2020 Result

Competition Result

  • 1st place, Stardust (CoG 2020)
  • 2nd place, PurpleWave (CoG 2019)
  • 3rd place, BananaBrain (CoG 2020)

Congratulation! Stardust (by Bruce Nielson)
We conflicted with several problems while running the competition. Sorry that I didn’t smoothly handle them. However, I hope to meet again with better competition in the future.
I hope you take care of yourself and also be careful COVID.
Thanks for participating!

(Updated on 27 October 2020 1:00 KST) Release Bots’ source code, ai/read/write files, questionnaire result

Registration Result in this year

※ LaLiberta dismissed: he/she didn’t provide proper information
※ LetaBot canceled to include.

(Correct typo on 23 July 2020 19:00 KST) In this year, we will use 5 maps:
(2)BlueStorm1.2, (3)Alchemist1.0, (3)GreatBarrierReef1.0, (4)Andromeda1.0, (4)LunaTheFinal2.3
The previously chosen result was not proper, due to, the synchronizing process between my remote interpreter did not work well. Sorry about that.

(Updated on 13 July 2020, revised 16:00 KST)  Final Registration Entry in this year including the 2019 year bots. (revised for notice full information)

(Updated on 13 July 2020 16:00 KST) In this year, we will use 5 maps:
(2)RideofValkyries1.0, (3)Alchemist1.0, (3)NeoAztec2.1, (4)Andromeda1.0, (4)Python1.3