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public:course:ml_projects [2016/10/11 23:40]
public:course:ml_projects [2019/08/01 17:34] (current)
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 | Real-time Crime Forecasting Comeptition |  |  | {{http://​nij.gov/​funding/​Pages/​fy16-crime-forecasting-challenge.aspx?​utm_source=KDNuggets&​amp;​utm_medium=Ad&​amp;​utm_content=Email&​amp;​utm_campaign=ForecastingChallenge#​importantdates| webpage }} |  | Real-time Crime Forecasting Comeptition |  |  | {{http://​nij.gov/​funding/​Pages/​fy16-crime-forecasting-challenge.aspx?​utm_source=KDNuggets&​amp;​utm_medium=Ad&​amp;​utm_content=Email&​amp;​utm_campaign=ForecastingChallenge#​importantdates| webpage }} | 
 | BTW 2017 Data Science Challenge (Calls -> Data Science Challenge) | | | {{ http://​btw2017.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/?​pageId=CallForDSChallenge&​language=en | webpage }} |  | BTW 2017 Data Science Challenge (Calls -> Data Science Challenge) | | | {{ http://​btw2017.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/?​pageId=CallForDSChallenge&​language=en | webpage }} | 
-Weather Forecasting ​Challenge | | | {{http://www.wxchallenge.com/index.php ​| webpage }} | +Udacity Self-Driving Car Prediction ​Challenge | | | {{ https://​medium.com/​udacity/​challenge-2-using-deep-learning-to-predict-steering-angles-f42004a36ff3#​.yvvp933vl | webpage }} | 
 +| Yelp Dataset Challenge | | | {{ https://www.yelp.com/dataset_challenge ​| webpage }} | 
 **(2) Yahoo Research Dataset ** \\ **(2) Yahoo Research Dataset ** \\

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