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public:events [2017/06/30 14:07]
public:events [2019/08/27 13:39] (current)
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 International Events International Events
-  * [[https://​cilab.sejong.ac.kr/​gdmc2017/​| Game Data Mining Competition @ IEEE CIG 2017 ]] +  * [[https://​cilab.gist.ac.kr/​gdmc2017/​| Game Data Mining Competition @ IEEE CIG 2017 ]] 
-  * [[http://​cilab.sejong.ac.kr/​sc_competition/​| StarCraft AI Competition @ IEEE CIG 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 ]]  +  * [[http://​cilab.gist.ac.kr/​sc_competition/​| StarCraft AI Competition @ IEEE CIG 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 ]]  
-  * [[http://​cilab.sejong.ac.kr/​ies2013/​| The 17th Asia Pacific Symposium of Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems (IES 2013) ]]  +  * [[http://​cilab.gist.ac.kr/​ies2013/​| The 17th Asia Pacific Symposium of Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems (IES 2013) ]]  
-  * [[http://​cilab.sejong.ac.kr/​cig2011/​| IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Games (CIG 2011) ]]+  * [[http://​cilab.gist.ac.kr/​cig2011/​| IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Games (CIG 2011) ]] 
 +  /* 
   * [[http://​dasan.sejong.ac.kr/​~kimkj/​iconip09/​index.html | Evolutionary Neural Networks Special Session at ICONIP 2009 ]]    * [[http://​dasan.sejong.ac.kr/​~kimkj/​iconip09/​index.html | Evolutionary Neural Networks Special Session at ICONIP 2009 ]] 
   * [[http://​dasan.sejong.ac.kr/​~kimkj/​iconip09/​JIFS.pdf | Evolutionary Neural Networks at Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems (Due: Feb 28 2010)]] ​   * [[http://​dasan.sejong.ac.kr/​~kimkj/​iconip09/​JIFS.pdf | Evolutionary Neural Networks at Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems (Due: Feb 28 2010)]] ​
 +  */ 
 Domestic Events ​ Domestic Events ​
 +  * [[public:​starcraft_human_vs_ai|StarCraft AI vs. Human Match (Oct 31st Tuesday) at Sejong University ]]
 +  /*
   * [[ http://​dasan.sejong.ac.kr/​~kimkj/​hci10/​index.html | Korea HCI 2010 Tutorial Talk on Robot Intelligence ]]   * [[ http://​dasan.sejong.ac.kr/​~kimkj/​hci10/​index.html | Korea HCI 2010 Tutorial Talk on Robot Intelligence ]]
 +  */ 

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