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public:paper:domestic_conf [2018/02/06 16:30]
public:paper:domestic_conf [2019/08/01 17:34] (current)
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 +== 2018 == 
 +  * T.-H. Park, and K.-J. Kim, "​Improvement of Deep Reinforcement Learning for Pac-Man using Virtual Rewards based on Life Score,"​ Korea Congress on Computer, 2018. 
 == 2017 == == 2017 ==
-  * J.-H. Jeon, D.-M. Yoon, S.-I. Yang, and K.-J. Kim, " Mobile Gamer Categorization with Archetypal Analysis and Cognitive-Psychological Features from Log Data," Korea Congress on Computer 2017. +  * J.-H. Jeon, D.-M. Yoon, S.-I. Yang, and K.-J. Kim, " Mobile Gamer Categorization with Archetypal Analysis and Cognitive-Psychological Features from Log Data," Korea Congress on Computer 2017 {{public:​paper:​2017:​Mobile Gamer Categorization with Archetypal Analysis and Cognitive-Psychological Features from Log Data.pdf|PDF}}
 == 2016 ==  == 2016 == 
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 == 2011 == == 2011 ==
-  * H.-S. Park, and K.-J. Kim, "​Genetic Programming using Bytecode-Level Evolution for Python Programming Language,"​ KIISE Fall Conference, 2011.{{:​public:​paper:​2011:​파이썬_언어의_바이트_코드수준_진화를_이용한_유전_프로그래밍.pdf|PDF}} ​/*  \\ (ack: 2010-0012878,​ 2010-0018948) */ +  * H.-S. Park, and K.-J. Kim, "​Genetic Programming using Bytecode-Level Evolution for Python Programming Language,"​ KIISE Fall Conference, 2011. /*  \\ (ack: 2010-0012878,​ 2010-0018948) */ 
-  * D.-M. Yoon, K.-J. Kim, "​Dimensionality reduction of speeded up robust features using neural networks for object recognition in mobile environments,"​ Korea Congress on Computer, 2011.{{:​public:​paper:​2011:​모바일_환경_영상인식을_위한_신경망기반_speeded_up_robust_features_차원_감소.pdf|PDF}} ​/* \\ (ack: 2010-0012876,​ 2010-0018948) */ +  * D.-M. Yoon, K.-J. Kim, "​Dimensionality reduction of speeded up robust features using neural networks for object recognition in mobile environments,"​ Korea Congress on Computer, 2011. /* \\ (ack: 2010-0012876,​ 2010-0018948) */ 
   * J.-G. Park, and K.-J. Kim, "​Real-time traffic sign detection using K-means clustering and neural network,"​ Korea Congress on Computer, 2011.{{:​public:​paper:​2011:​real-time_traffic_sign_detection_using_k-means_clustering_and_neural_network.pdf|PDF}} /* \\ (ack: 2010-0012876,​ 2010-0018948) */   * J.-G. Park, and K.-J. Kim, "​Real-time traffic sign detection using K-means clustering and neural network,"​ Korea Congress on Computer, 2011.{{:​public:​paper:​2011:​real-time_traffic_sign_detection_using_k-means_clustering_and_neural_network.pdf|PDF}} /* \\ (ack: 2010-0012876,​ 2010-0018948) */
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   * S.-H. Lee, K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, "​Observation on leadership in evolving robot colony,"​ KIISE Fall Conference, vol. 37, no. 2(A), pp. 64-65, 2010. {{:​public:​paper:​leadership.pdf|PDF}} /* \\ (ack: 2010K001173) */    * S.-H. Lee, K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, "​Observation on leadership in evolving robot colony,"​ KIISE Fall Conference, vol. 37, no. 2(A), pp. 64-65, 2010. {{:​public:​paper:​leadership.pdf|PDF}} /* \\ (ack: 2010K001173) */ 
-  * K.-J. Kim, “Unmanned ground vehicle programming with TORCS-based car simulator,​” The 6th National Defense Information and Control Technology Conference, pp. 147-149, 2010. {{:​public:​paper:​2010:​torcs기반_자동차_시뮬레이터를_이용한_무인_자동차_프로그래밍.pdf|PDF}} ​/* \\ (ack: 2010-0012876) */ +  * K.-J. Kim, “Unmanned ground vehicle programming with TORCS-based car simulator,​” The 6th National Defense Information and Control Technology Conference, pp. 147-149, 2010.  /* \\ (ack: 2010-0012876) */ 
   * K.-J. Kim, “Automated design of fault-tolerant robots using evolutionary computation,​” The 6th National Defense Information and Control Technology Conference, pp. 150-152, 2010. {{:​public:​paper:​2010:​진화_연산을_이용한_손상에_강건한_로봇_자동_설계.pdf|PDF}} /* \\ (ack: 2010-0012876) */    * K.-J. Kim, “Automated design of fault-tolerant robots using evolutionary computation,​” The 6th National Defense Information and Control Technology Conference, pp. 150-152, 2010. {{:​public:​paper:​2010:​진화_연산을_이용한_손상에_강건한_로봇_자동_설계.pdf|PDF}} /* \\ (ack: 2010-0012876) */ 
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   * B.-Y. Choi, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "A diagnosis engine using Bayesian network for self-management of adaptive middleware,"​ Proceedings of Korea Computer Congress, vol. 33, no. 1(A), pp. 220-222, 2006.{{:​public:​paper:​2006:​probing_알고리즘을_이용한_적응형_미들웨어의_행동_예측.pdf|PDF}}   * B.-Y. Choi, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "A diagnosis engine using Bayesian network for self-management of adaptive middleware,"​ Proceedings of Korea Computer Congress, vol. 33, no. 1(A), pp. 220-222, 2006.{{:​public:​paper:​2006:​probing_알고리즘을_이용한_적응형_미들웨어의_행동_예측.pdf|PDF}}
-  * K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, "​Optimization of Bayesian networks aggregation using genetic algorithm,"​ Proceedings of Korea Computer Congress, vol. 33, no. 1(B), pp. 121-123, 2006.{{:​public:​paper:​2006:​진화_알고리즘을_이용한_베이지안_네트워크_병합의_최적화.pdf|PDF}}+  * K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, "​Optimization of Bayesian networks aggregation using genetic algorithm,"​ Proceedings of Korea Computer Congress, vol. 33, no. 1(B), pp. 121-123, 2006.
 == 2005 ==  == 2005 == 
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   * B.-Y. Choi, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Inference of system resource states using Bayesian network for self-optimizing and self-healing component-based middleware,"​ Proceedings of the 32nd KISS Fall Conference, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 829-831, 2005. {{:​public:​paper:​s5-1.pdf|PDF}}   * B.-Y. Choi, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Inference of system resource states using Bayesian network for self-optimizing and self-healing component-based middleware,"​ Proceedings of the 32nd KISS Fall Conference, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 829-831, 2005. {{:​public:​paper:​s5-1.pdf|PDF}}
-  * S.-S. Lee, K.-J. Kim, S.-B. Cho and H.-Y. Youn, "​Adaptive behavior prediction based on Bayesian networks for adaptive middleware,"​ Proceedings of Korea Computer Congress, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 748-750, 2005. {{:​public:​paper:​적응형_미들웨어를_위한_베이지안_네트워크_기반_적응_행동_예측.pdf|PDF}}+  * S.-S. Lee, K.-J. Kim, S.-B. Cho and H.-Y. Youn, "​Adaptive behavior prediction based on Bayesian networks for adaptive middleware,"​ Proceedings of Korea Computer Congress, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 748-750, 2005.
   * K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, "​Refinement of Bayesian networks using minimum description length and evolutionary algorithm,"​ Proceedings of Korea Computer Congress, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 628-630, 2005. {{:​public:​paper:​진화_알고리즘과_mdl을_이용한_베이지안_네트워크_갱신.pdf|PDF}}   * K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, "​Refinement of Bayesian networks using minimum description length and evolutionary algorithm,"​ Proceedings of Korea Computer Congress, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 628-630, 2005. {{:​public:​paper:​진화_알고리즘과_mdl을_이용한_베이지안_네트워크_갱신.pdf|PDF}}
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   * J.-O. Yoo, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Intelligent learning and prediction of user's location for ubiquitous computing,"​ Proceedings of Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society Fall Conference, pp. 139-148, 2004. {{:​public:​paper:​유비쿼터스_컴퓨팅을_위한.pdf|PDF}}   * J.-O. Yoo, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Intelligent learning and prediction of user's location for ubiquitous computing,"​ Proceedings of Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society Fall Conference, pp. 139-148, 2004. {{:​public:​paper:​유비쿼터스_컴퓨팅을_위한.pdf|PDF}}
-  * J.-O. Yoo, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Speciated evolution of Bayesian networks ensembles for robust inference,"​ Proceedings of the 31th KISS Fall Conference (1), pp. 226-228, 2004. {{:​public:​paper:​안정된_추론을_위한_베이지안_네트워크_앙상블의_종분화_진화.pdf|PDF}}+  * J.-O. Yoo, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Speciated evolution of Bayesian networks ensembles for robust inference,"​ Proceedings of the 31th KISS Fall Conference (1), pp. 226-228, 2004. 
   * J.-O. Yoo, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Bayesian inference with fuzzy variables for customized high level context extraction,"​ Proceedings of the 31th KISS Fall Conference (1), pp. 115-117, 2004.  {{:​public:​paper:​개인화된_high_level_context_추출을_위한_퍼지_변수의_베이지안_추론.pdf|PDF}}   * J.-O. Yoo, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Bayesian inference with fuzzy variables for customized high level context extraction,"​ Proceedings of the 31th KISS Fall Conference (1), pp. 115-117, 2004.  {{:​public:​paper:​개인화된_high_level_context_추출을_위한_퍼지_변수의_베이지안_추론.pdf|PDF}}
-  * M.-C. Jung, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Web services composition based on behavior network for automatic construction of complex services,"​ Proceedings of the 31th KISS Spring Conference (B), pp. 580-582, 2004. {{:​public:​paper:​복잡한_서비스_자동생성을_위한_행동_네트워크기반_웹서비스_결합.pdf|PDF}}+  * M.-C. Jung, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Web services composition based on behavior network for automatic construction of complex services,"​ Proceedings of the 31th KISS Spring Conference (B), pp. 580-582, 2004. 
   * K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Classifying colon cancer by integrating diverse speciated evolutionary neural networks,"​ Proceedings of the 31th KISS Spring Conference (B), pp. 583-585, 2004. {{:​public:​paper:​다양한_종분화_진화_신경망을_결합한_대장암_분류.pdf|PDF}}   * K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Classifying colon cancer by integrating diverse speciated evolutionary neural networks,"​ Proceedings of the 31th KISS Spring Conference (B), pp. 583-585, 2004. {{:​public:​paper:​다양한_종분화_진화_신경망을_결합한_대장암_분류.pdf|PDF}}
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   * K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Analysis of DNA microarray data using evolutionary neural networks,"​ Proceedings of the 30th KISS Fall Conference (2), pp. 733-735, 2003.  {{:​public:​paper:​진화_신경망을_이용한_dna_microarray_데이터_분석.pdf|PDF}}   * K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Analysis of DNA microarray data using evolutionary neural networks,"​ Proceedings of the 30th KISS Fall Conference (2), pp. 733-735, 2003.  {{:​public:​paper:​진화_신경망을_이용한_dna_microarray_데이터_분석.pdf|PDF}}
-  * H.-J. Min, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Planning capability of action selection network for generating optimal behaviors of agent,"​ Proceedings of the 30th KISS Spring Conference (B), pp. 473-475, 2003. {{:​public:​paper:​에이전트의_최적_행동_생성을_위한_행동선택_네트워크의_계획_기능.pdf|PDF}}+  * H.-J. Min, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Planning capability of action selection network for generating optimal behaviors of agent,"​ Proceedings of the 30th KISS Spring Conference (B), pp. 473-475, 2003.
-  * K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Web documents classification with fuzzy integration of multiple structure-adaptive self-organizing maps," Proceedings of the 30th KISS Spring Conference (B), pp. 371-373, 2003. {{:​public:​paper:​다중_구조적응_자기구성지도의_퍼지결합을_이용한_웹_문서_분류.pdf|PDF}}+  * K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Web documents classification with fuzzy integration of multiple structure-adaptive self-organizing maps," Proceedings of the 30th KISS Spring Conference (B), pp. 371-373, 2003. 
 == 2002 == == 2002 ==
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   * S.-H. Yoo, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Classification of web data using SASOM+DT for Web usage mining,"​ Proceedings of the 29th KISS Fall Conference (2), pp. 346-348, 2002.  {{:​public:​paper:​웹_사용_마이닝을_위한_sasom_2bdt를_이용한_웹_데이터의_분류.pdf|PDF}}   * S.-H. Yoo, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Classification of web data using SASOM+DT for Web usage mining,"​ Proceedings of the 29th KISS Fall Conference (2), pp. 346-348, 2002.  {{:​public:​paper:​웹_사용_마이닝을_위한_sasom_2bdt를_이용한_웹_데이터의_분류.pdf|PDF}}
-  * K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Goal inference of behavior-based agent using Bayesian network,"​ Proceedings of 29th KISS Fall Conference (2), pp. 349-351, 2002. {{:​public:​paper:​베이지안_네트워크를_이용한_행동기반_에이전트의_목적추론.pdf|PDF}}+  * K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Goal inference of behavior-based agent using Bayesian network,"​ Proceedings of 29th KISS Fall Conference (2), pp. 349-351, 2002.
-  * K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Generation of diverse evolutionary checkers players using speciation algorithm,"​ Proceedings of the 29th KISS Spring Conference (B), pp. 226-228, 2002.  ​{{:​public:​paper:​종분화_알고리즘을_이용한_다양한_진화_체커_플레이어의_생성.pdf|PDF}}+  * K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Generation of diverse evolutionary checkers players using speciation algorithm,"​ Proceedings of the 29th KISS Spring Conference (B), pp. 226-228, 2002.  ​
 == 2001 == == 2001 ==
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   * K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Behavior generation mechanism using multiple CAM-Brain modules,"​ Proceedings of the Korea Cognitive Science Society Spring Conference, pp. 63-66, 2001. {{:​public:​paper:​bgmumcambm.pdf|PDF}}   * K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Behavior generation mechanism using multiple CAM-Brain modules,"​ Proceedings of the Korea Cognitive Science Society Spring Conference, pp. 63-66, 2001. {{:​public:​paper:​bgmumcambm.pdf|PDF}}
-  * K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Personalization of link-based search engine by fuzzy concept network,"​ Proceedings of the 28th KISS Spring Conference (B), pp. 316-318, 2001.  ​{{:​public:​paper:​퍼지_개념_네트워크를_이용한_링크기반_검색엔진의_개인화.pdf|PDF}}+  * K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Personalization of link-based search engine by fuzzy concept network,"​ Proceedings of the 28th KISS Spring Conference (B), pp. 316-318, 2001. 
 == 2000 == == 2000 ==

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