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public:paper:int_conf [2017/04/20 14:39]
public:paper:int_conf [2019/08/01 17:34] (current)
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 +== 2018 ==
 +    * I.-C. Baek and K.-J. Kim, "​Web-based Interface for Data Labeling in StarCraft,"​ IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2018. 
 +== 2017 ==
 +    * K. Mori, S. Ito, T. Harada, R. Thawonmas and K.-J. Kim, "​Feature Extraction of Gameplays for Similarity Calculation in Gameplay Recommendation,"​ IEEE 10th International Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Applications,​ 2017 {{public:​paper:​2017:​iwcia2017-mori.pdf|PDF}}. ​
 +    * J.-H. Jeon, D.-M. Yoon, S.-I. Yang and K.-J. Kim, "​Extracting Gamers’Cognitive Psychological Features and Improving Performance of Churn Prediction from Mobile Games,"​ IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2017 {{public:​paper:​2017:​paper_72.pdf|PDF}}. ​
 +    * S.-H. Yoon and K.-J. Kim, "Deep Q Networks for Visual Fighting Game AI," IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2017 {{public:​paper:​2017:​paper_90.pdf|PDF}}. ​
 +    * M.-J. Kim and K.-J. Kim, "​Opponent Modeling based on Action Table for MCTS-based Fighting Game AI," ​ IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2017 {{public:​paper:​2017:​paper_92.pdf|PDF}}. ​
 +    * B.-J. Min and K.-J. Kim,"​Learning to Play Visual Doom using Model-Free Episodic Control,"​ IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2017 {{public:​paper:​2017:​paper_91.pdf|PDF}}. ​
 +    * J.-H. Park, S.-J. Yoo, K.-J. Kim, Y.-H. Gu, K.-H. Lee, and U.-H. Son, "PM10 Density Forecast Model Using Long Short Term Memory,"​ Ninth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks, 2017 {{public:​paper:​2017:​07993855.pdf|PDF}}. ​
 == 2016 ==  == 2016 == 
-  * B.-H. Yoo, and K.-J. Kim, "​Changing video game graphic styles using neural algorithms,"​ IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2016. +  * B.-H. Yoo, and K.-J. Kim, "​Changing video game graphic styles using neural algorithms,"​ IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2016 {{public:​paper:​ieee_cig16_byungho.pdf|PDF}}
-  * H.-S. Park, and K.-J. Kim, "Deep Q-learning using redundant outputs in Visual Doom," IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2016. +  * H.-S. Park, and K.-J. Kim, "Deep Q-learning using redundant outputs in Visual Doom," IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2016 {{public:​paper:​ieee_cig16_hyunsoo.pdf|PDF}}
   * M.-J. Kim, K.-J. Kim, S.-J. Kim, and A. K. Dey, "​Evaluation of StarCraft Artificial Intelligence Competition Bots by Experienced Human Players,"​ ACM CHI (Late-Breaking Work), 2016 {{http://​www.cs.cmu.edu/​~sjunikim/​publications/​CHI2016_LBW_Starcraft.pdf|External Link}}. ​   * M.-J. Kim, K.-J. Kim, S.-J. Kim, and A. K. Dey, "​Evaluation of StarCraft Artificial Intelligence Competition Bots by Experienced Human Players,"​ ACM CHI (Late-Breaking Work), 2016 {{http://​www.cs.cmu.edu/​~sjunikim/​publications/​CHI2016_LBW_Starcraft.pdf|External Link}}. ​

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