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public:paper:int_journal [2016/07/06 03:06]
public:paper:int_journal [2019/08/01 17:34] (current)
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-== in press ==+== 2018 ==  
 +  * M.-J. Kim, K.-J. Kim, S.-J. Kim and A. K. Dey, "​Performance Evaluation Gaps in a Real-Time Strategy Game between Human and Artificial Intelligence Players,"​ IEEE Access, 2018 [[http://​ieeexplore.ieee.org/​document/​8276283/​|(External Link)]]. ​
-* D.-M. Yoon, and K.-J. Kim, "​Interactive Evolution of 3D Models based on Direct Encoding for Video Game," ACM Computers in Entertainment,​ 2016. +== 2017 == 
-  * H.-CChoH.-S. Park, C.-Y. Kim and K.-J. Kim, "Investigation of the effect of "Fog of war" in the prediction of StarCraft strategy using machine learning," ACM Computers in Entertainment, ​2016+  * D.-MYoon, and K.-J. Kim, "3D Game Model and Texture Generation Using Interactive Genetic Algorithm," ACM Computers in Entertainment, ​vol. 14, no. 1, Spring 2017 [[http://​dl.acm.org/​citation.cfm?​id=2735382|(External Link)]] 
-  * K.-JKimand S.-BCho, "Ensemble Bayesian networks evolved with speciation for high-performance prediction ​in data mining," ​Soft Computing2016 [[http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/​s00500-015-1841-z?wt_mc=internal.event.1.SEM.ArticleAuthorOnlineFirst|(External Link)]] ​+  * H.-CChoH.-S. Park, C.-YKim and K.-J. Kim, "Investigation of the effect of "Fog of war" ​in the prediction of StarCraft strategy using machine learning," ​ACM Computers in Entertainmentvol14, no. 1, Spring 2017 [[http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=3026722.2735384|(External Link)]].
-  * K.-J. Kim and C.-HChung, "Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you where you come from: A global recipe analysis," ​IEEE Access2016+  * K.-J. Kimand S.-BCho, "Ensemble Bayesian networks evolved with speciation for high-performance prediction in data mining," ​Soft Computing vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 1065-1080, 2017.  [[http://​link.springer.com/​article/​10.1007/​s00500-015-1841-z|(External Link)]] 
 +  * I.-S. Oh, H.-C. Cho, and K.-J. Kim, "​Playing Real-Time Strategy Games by Imitating Human Players'​ Micromanagement Skills Based on Spatial Analysis,"​ Expert Systems with Applications,​ 2017 [[http://​www.sciencedirect.com/​science/​article/​pii/​S0957417416306613| (External Link)]]. ​
 == 2016 == == 2016 ==
-  * S. Farooq, I.-S. Oh, M.-J. Kim, and K.-J. Kim, "​StarCraft AI Competition:​ A Step Toward Human-Level AI for Real-Time Strategy Games,"​ AI Magazine, Summer, 2016. +  ​* K.-J. Kim and C.-H. Chung, "Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you where you come from: A Data Science Approach for Global Recipe Data on the Web," IEEE Access [[http://​ieeexplore.ieee.org/​document/​7544519/​|PDF]],​ 2016.  
 +  ​* S. Farooq, I.-S. Oh, M.-J. Kim, and K.-J. Kim, "​StarCraft AI Competition:​ A Step Toward Human-Level AI for Real-Time Strategy Games,"​ AI Magazine, Summer, 2016 [[https://​www.aaai.org/​ojs/​index.php/​aimagazine/​article/​download/​2657/​2563|(External Link)]]
   * H.-S. Park and K.-J. Kim, "​Active Player Modeling in the Iterated Prisoner'​s Dilemma,"​ Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience,​ 2016 [[http://​www.hindawi.com/​journals/​cin/​2016/​7420984/​| (External Link)]]. ​   * H.-S. Park and K.-J. Kim, "​Active Player Modeling in the Iterated Prisoner'​s Dilemma,"​ Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience,​ 2016 [[http://​www.hindawi.com/​journals/​cin/​2016/​7420984/​| (External Link)]]. ​

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