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wiki:welcome [2015/05/20 18:17]
wiki:welcome [2019/08/01 17:34] (current)
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-Welcome to Cognition & Intelligence Lab at [[http://​ce.sejong.ac.kr|Dept. of Computer Engineering]] in [[http://​www.sejong.ac.kr/​eng|Sejong University]]!+====== ​Welcome to your new DokuWiki ======
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-====== News ======  +Enjoy your work with DokuWiki,\\ 
-  * [Feb 2015] Presentation Award @ KIISE (Korean Institute of Information Scienctists and Engineers) 2014 Fall Conference (HyunTae Kim).  +-- the developers
-  * [AUG 2014] Prize and Awards in Game AI Competitions @ IEEE CIG and ECAI [[http://​cilab.sejong.ac.kr/​home/​doku.php?​id=public:​competitions| Results]].  +
-  * [AUG 2014] Prof. Kim is added to the editorial board of Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence [[http://​www.tandfonline.com/​teta| JETAI ]].  +
-  * [AUG 2014] Prof. Kim is appointed as a vice chair of real-time strategy games task force at games technical committee in IEEE Computational Intelligence Society [[http://​gameai.itu.dk/​rtsg/​index.php?​title=Members|RTS TF]] +
-  * [AUG 2014] Prof. Kim (with Prof. Sung-Bae ChoRuck Thawonmas, and Jacek Mandziuk) got approval on the The Scientific World Journal special issue on "​Recent Advances in Intelligent Techniques for Games,"​ [[http://​www.hindawi.com/​journals/​tswj/​si/​252465/​cfp/​|CFP]] +
-  * [AUG 2014] Prof. Kim (with Prof. Sung-Bae Cho) organizes a special session on "​Mobile and Entertainment Computing,"​ at IES 2014 {{:​public:​ies_ss_cfp.pdf|CFP}}.  +
-  * [AUG 2014] Prof. Kim, Ho-Chul Cho and In-Suk Oh (Undergraduate Students) organize a 2014 StarCraft AI Competition at IEEE CIG 2014 [[http://​cilab.sejong.ac.kr/​sc_competition|CFP]] [[http://​sejongpr.ac.kr/​board/​bbs/​board.php?​bo_table=sju_friend&​wr_id=128| Sejong Press]] +
-  * [JUL 2014] Prof. Kim (with Prof. Sung-Bae Cho) organizes a special session on "​Computational Intelligence and Games" at WCCI 2014 [[http://​cilab.sejong.ac.kr/​wcci2014/​|CFP]] +
-  * [OCT 2013] 2nd Place [[http://​www.ice.ci.ritsumei.ac.jp/​~ftgaic/​|Fighting Game AI Competition]] Kyoung-Jun Ahn and Dong-Hyun Jang [[http://​www.sejongpr.ac.kr/​newsletter_eng/​view.php?​bo_table=sju_news_eng&​wr_id=48|Sejong News Letter]] +
-  * [AUG 2013] 3rd Place [[http://​eldar.mathstat.uoguelph.ca/​dashlock/​CIG2013/​competitions.html| Student Video Competition (IEEE CIG 2013)]] Hyun Tae Kim and Du-Mim Yoon [[http://​www.sejongpr.ac.kr/​board/​bbs/​board.php?​bo_table=sju_friend&​wr_id=79|Sejong Press]]  +
-  * [AUG 2013] Finalists [[http://​aibirds.org|Angry Birds AI Competition (IJCAI 2013)]] Du-Mim Yoon  +
-  * [AUG 2011] 3rd Place [[http://​ls11-www.cs.uni-dortmund.de/​rts-competition/​starcraft-cig2011|StarCraft AI Competition (IEEE CIG 2011)]] Ho-Chul Cho [[http://​www.sejongpr.ac.kr/​board/​bbs/​board.php?​bo_table=brief_news&​wr_id=659&​sca=&​sfl=wr_subject%7C%7Cwr_content&​stx=%C1%B6%C8%A3%C3%B6&​sop=or|Sejong Press]]+
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