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Suggestions on Machine Learning Course Projects

This webpage will be updated.

(1) Solve open problems (data) posted in (domestic/international) data science competitions

Competition Type Download Webpage Movie Attendance Prediction download
Insurance Fraud Detection download Disease Prediction download webpage
Optimized Advertisement download webpage Kaggle Competitions webpage
Kaggle Datasets webpage Decoding Brain Signal webpage
Womens Health Risk Assessment webpage
Real-time Crime Forecasting Comeptition webpage
BTW 2017 Data Science Challenge (Calls → Data Science Challenge) webpage

(2) Teach agents using OpenAI Gym

You can download reinforcement learning library from

  • Develop and compare reinforcement learning algorithms
  • You can use several environments supported from the library. Please see the list from

(3) Game AI Competitions

VizDoom AI Competition ( )

(4) Learning to Control Units in StarCraft

You can use reinforcement learning to train “unit control” of StarCraft AI players on usemap settings (without terrain and with small number of units).

(5) Financial Forecasting

Stock Market Index (Up/Down, Binary Classification) Prediction Exhange Rate (Up/Down, Binary Classification) Prediction

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