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public:paper:domestic_conf [2018/06/11 13:42]
public:paper:domestic_conf [2019/08/01 17:34] (current)
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   * S.-H. Yoo, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Classification of web data using SASOM+DT for Web usage mining,"​ Proceedings of the 29th KISS Fall Conference (2), pp. 346-348, 2002.  {{:​public:​paper:​웹_사용_마이닝을_위한_sasom_2bdt를_이용한_웹_데이터의_분류.pdf|PDF}}   * S.-H. Yoo, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Classification of web data using SASOM+DT for Web usage mining,"​ Proceedings of the 29th KISS Fall Conference (2), pp. 346-348, 2002.  {{:​public:​paper:​웹_사용_마이닝을_위한_sasom_2bdt를_이용한_웹_데이터의_분류.pdf|PDF}}
-  * K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Goal inference of behavior-based agent using Bayesian network,"​ Proceedings of 29th KISS Fall Conference (2), pp. 349-351, 2002. {{:​public:​paper:​베이지안_네트워크를_이용한_행동기반_에이전트의_목적추론.pdf|PDF}}+  * K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Goal inference of behavior-based agent using Bayesian network,"​ Proceedings of 29th KISS Fall Conference (2), pp. 349-351, 2002.
-  * K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Generation of diverse evolutionary checkers players using speciation algorithm,"​ Proceedings of the 29th KISS Spring Conference (B), pp. 226-228, 2002.  ​{{:​public:​paper:​종분화_알고리즘을_이용한_다양한_진화_체커_플레이어의_생성.pdf|PDF}}+  * K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Generation of diverse evolutionary checkers players using speciation algorithm,"​ Proceedings of the 29th KISS Spring Conference (B), pp. 226-228, 2002.  ​
 == 2001 == == 2001 ==
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   * K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Behavior generation mechanism using multiple CAM-Brain modules,"​ Proceedings of the Korea Cognitive Science Society Spring Conference, pp. 63-66, 2001. {{:​public:​paper:​bgmumcambm.pdf|PDF}}   * K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Behavior generation mechanism using multiple CAM-Brain modules,"​ Proceedings of the Korea Cognitive Science Society Spring Conference, pp. 63-66, 2001. {{:​public:​paper:​bgmumcambm.pdf|PDF}}
-  * K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Personalization of link-based search engine by fuzzy concept network,"​ Proceedings of the 28th KISS Spring Conference (B), pp. 316-318, 2001.  ​{{:​public:​paper:​퍼지_개념_네트워크를_이용한_링크기반_검색엔진의_개인화.pdf|PDF}}+  * K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "​Personalization of link-based search engine by fuzzy concept network,"​ Proceedings of the 28th KISS Spring Conference (B), pp. 316-318, 2001. 
 == 2000 == == 2000 ==

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