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welcome [2017/11/03 14:01]
welcome [2019/08/27 09:45] (current)
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 Welcome to Cognition & Intelligence Lab at [[http://​ce.sejong.ac.kr|Dept. of Computer Engineering]] in [[http://​www.sejong.ac.kr/​eng|Sejong University]]! Welcome to Cognition & Intelligence Lab at [[http://​ce.sejong.ac.kr|Dept. of Computer Engineering]] in [[http://​www.sejong.ac.kr/​eng|Sejong University]]!
-[[http://​cilab.sejong.ac.kr/​gc/​doku.php|{{:​public:​gai.png?​200|}}]] +[[http://​cilab.gist.ac.kr/​gc/​doku.php|{{:​public:​gai.png?​200|}}]] 
-[[http://cilab.sejong.ac.kr/sc_competition/​|{{:​public:​starcraft2016.png?​200|}}]]  +[[https://cilab.gist.ac.kr/sc_competition2018/​|{{:​public:​starcraft2016.png?​200|}}]]  
 ====== News ====== ​ ====== News ====== ​
 +  * [June 2018] InChang Baek was selected as a travel grant awardee for IEEE CIG 2018.
 +  * [Feb 2018] Our lab participated in 2018 NCSOFT AI Day ([[http://​blog.ncsoft.com/?​p=34535 |Link]]). ​
   * [Oct 2017] Our MJBOT participated in the Human vs. StarCraft AI match ([[https://​cilab.sejong.ac.kr/​home/​doku.php?​id=public:​starcraft_human_vs_ai|Results]]) ​   * [Oct 2017] Our MJBOT participated in the Human vs. StarCraft AI match ([[https://​cilab.sejong.ac.kr/​home/​doku.php?​id=public:​starcraft_human_vs_ai|Results]]) ​
 +  * [June 2017] Cheong-Mok Bae will do a summer internship at NCSoft. ​
 +  * [June 2017] Kyung-Joong Kim organized a software demo/​implementation contest ([[http://​www.kiise.or.kr/​conference/​main/​getContent.do?​CC=kcc&​CS=2017&​content_no=466&​PARENT_ID=802500|Webpage]]) ​
 +  * [June 2017] JiHoon Jeon received a good paper award from KCC 2017 ([[http://​www.kiise.or.kr/​conference/​board/​boardview.do?​CC=kcc&​CS=2017&​PARENT_ID=530100&&​NUM=67|Link]]). ​
   * [Mar 2017] Our lab will organize a new Game Data Mining Competition with ETRI and NCSOFT at IEEE CIG 2017 (https://​cilab.sejong.ac.kr/​gdmc2017/​). ​     * [Mar 2017] Our lab will organize a new Game Data Mining Competition with ETRI and NCSOFT at IEEE CIG 2017 (https://​cilab.sejong.ac.kr/​gdmc2017/​). ​  
   * [Dec 2016] Our lab members (HyunSoo Park, SeongHun Yoon, and ManJe Kim) visited ICELab at Ritsmeikan University (http://​www.ice.ci.ritsumei.ac.jp/​). ​   * [Dec 2016] Our lab members (HyunSoo Park, SeongHun Yoon, and ManJe Kim) visited ICELab at Ritsmeikan University (http://​www.ice.ci.ritsumei.ac.jp/​). ​
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   * [Mar 2016] An Interview about StarCraft from Man-Je Kim was conducted by DongaScience Reporter. [[https://​www.dropbox.com/​s/​n5pu4hth0eb9p2o/​Manje.mp4?​dl=0|Watch Video Interview here]]   * [Mar 2016] An Interview about StarCraft from Man-Je Kim was conducted by DongaScience Reporter. [[https://​www.dropbox.com/​s/​n5pu4hth0eb9p2o/​Manje.mp4?​dl=0|Watch Video Interview here]]
   * [Jan 2016] Cheong-mok Bae and Seonghoon Yoon received a Good Paper Award from  Undergraduate Student Paper Competition @ KIISE Winter Conference. ​   * [Jan 2016] Cheong-mok Bae and Seonghoon Yoon received a Good Paper Award from  Undergraduate Student Paper Competition @ KIISE Winter Conference. ​
-  * [Sep 2015] Jiyuu Yi, Manje Kim, and Cheong-mok Bae were ranked as 2nd and 3rd place of IEEE CIG fighting game AI competitions [[http://​sejongpr.ac.kr/​sejongwebzinenewspaperview.do?​pkid=1862&​type=2&​searchLanguage=K| Sejong Press]] ​ 
-  * [AUG 2015] Sehar Shahzad Farooq, In-seok Oh, Man-je Kim and Prof. Kim, organize a 2015 StarCraft AI Competition at IEEE CIG 2015. 
-  * [August 2015] Cheong-Mok Bae was selected as a travel grant awardee for IEEE CIG 2015.  
-  * [July ~ August 2015] Three lab mebmers (HyunSoo Park, Du-Mim Yoon and In-Seok Oh) will have an internship at NCSoft. ​ 
-  * [June 2015] Prof. Kim gave a special lecture @ NCSoft. ​ 
-  * [Feb 2015] Presentation Award @ KIISE (Korean Institute of Information Scienctists and Engineers) 2014 Fall Conference (HyunTae Kim).  
   * [[:​public:​news| Old news ... ]]    * [[:​public:​news| Old news ... ]] 

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