
  • [July 2024] Our members  In-Chang (NYU, Prof. Julian Togelius’ lab) and Hyeon-Chang (NYU, Prof. Eugene Vinitsky’s lab) have been awarded the Graduate International Research Experience Fellowship (GIST-IREF).
  • [June 2024] Yunho, Tae-Gwan, and Sang-Yeon’s team won second place at the IEEE CIS Computational Intelligence in Biomedicine and Healthcare Competition (Link)
  • [June 2024] Ho-Taek’s team received an excellence award at the AI Startup Competition (Link)
  • [Apr 2024] Seo-Young Lee has been awarded the Master’s Research Grant by the National Research Foundation (NRF).
  • [Jan 2024] Prof. Kim was appointed as an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Games. 
  • [Jan 2024] Our work on virtual locomotion gesture classification was accepted in IEEE VR 2024. 
  • [Dec 2023] Wooju (summer intern) received a paper award from KSC 2023 (Link
  • [Nov 2023] SBS news introduced our work on Game AI at G-STAR 2023 (Link)  
  • [Nov 2023] Our immersive article on reinforcement learning was published in IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine (Link
  • [July 2023] Prof. Kim was appointed as a director of Korea Culture Technology Institute ( Link ). 
  • [May 2023] Team Algo presented “the AI communicating through dancing” at Daegu Art Factory! (Link)
  • [Apr 2023] “Emo-tris” was in the Korea Science Festival 2023 (Link)
  • [Apr 2023] MIT and GIST researchers develop a natural and comfortable “Seamless-walk” VR locomotion system (Link)ve
  • [Dec 2022] Yunho Choi (Team Leader: Hosu Lee) won Third Prize @ GIST AI+X Projects Competition (Link
  • [Sep 2022] Best Game AI Jam Project by Popular Vote @ 4th Int. Summer School on AI and Games (Link
  • [Jul. 2022] Byung-Hwa Yoo, Tae-Gwan Ha, Tae-Hwa Park, Inchang Baek and Prof. Kyung-Joong Kim has been chosen for the Best Presentation Paper Award at KCC2022 (Link
  • [Jul. 2022] CI Lab is selected for Game Simulation AI technology research grant (Link)
  • [Jul. 2022] STAR-MOOC lecture ( Game Artificial Intelligence ) is available on: (Link)
  • [Aug. 2022] Cheongmok Bae, Jaeyoung Moon, Isaac Han, and Prof. Kyung-Joong Kim will organize IEEE CoG 2022 StarCraft AI Competition (Link)
  • [May 2022] Yunho won the Excellence award for ‘Metaverse moving device using high-resolution tactile sensor’ from GIST Startup Idea Contest (Link
  • [Mar. 2022] Inseok Oh (Alumni) will present about Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning in GDC 2022 (Link)
  • [Jan. 2022] The research of Yunho Choi, Hyeonchang Jeon, Sungha Lee, Isaac Han, Yiyue Luo(MIT), Prof. SeungJun Kim(GIST), Prof. Wojciech Matusik(MIT), and Prof. Kyung-Joong Kim was accepted as a poster to IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces 2022 (Youtube)
  • [Dec. 2021] Prof. Kyung-Joong Kim introduced CILab on YouTube (Link)
  • [Aug. 2021] Cheongmok Bae and Prof. Kyung-Joong Kim will organize IEEE CoG 2021 StarCraft AI Competition (Link
  • [Jul.   2021] New research grant on game AI from Basic Research Lab program by National Research Foundation 
  • [Jun.  2021] Isaac Han and his teammates  placed 2nd place in GIST Business Incubator Idea Contest (Link
  • [May. 2021] New research grant from XR Lab research program (P.I. SeungJun, Co-PI KyungJoong) (Link
  • [Dec. 2020] Kihong Kim and Wonsang You placed 3rd in  2020 Dream AI Smart Device Hackathon (Link)
  • [Dec. 2020] Jaeyoung Moon, Hyeonchang Jeon, and Isaac Han placed 4th place in 2020 Dream AI Deep Racer Competition (Link
  • [Aug. 2020] Prof. Kyung-Joong Kim will organize IEEE CoG 2020 with Prof. Ruck Thawonmas (Link
  • [Aug. 2020] Cheongmok Bae and Prof. Kyung-Joong Kim will organize IEEE CoG 2020 StarCraft AI Competition (Link
  • [Jul.   2020] Our lab was mentioned in Donga science article (Link
  • [Jan. 2020] Seonghun Yoon (Alumni) co-authored a book on multi-agent reinforcement learning with ML-Agent (Link)
  • [Dec. 2019] Prof. Kyung-Joong Kim in GIST webzine (Link)
  • [Sep. 2019] GIST Graduate School of AI established based on recent government award (Link
  • [Sep. 2019] New research grant on assistive technology for disabled (Link)
  • [Apr. 2019] Prof. Kyung-Joong Kim moved to Institute of Integrated Technology at GIST (Link)
  • [March 2019] In Seok (Alumni) interview on hankookilbo (Link)
  • [March 2019] Prof. Kyung-Joong attended to Shonnan Meeting on General Game AI (Link)
  • [March 2019] Our CoG 2019 StarCraft AI Competition proposal (by SeongHun Yoon) was accepted (Link).
  • [Feb 2019] Andrew Lee received a prize from Korea Software Congress Junior Paper Competition.
  • [Jan 2019] SeongHun Yoon gave a talk on StarCraft AI at NCSOFT AI Day (Link)
  • [Dec 2018] Prof. Kim will organize IEEE Conference on Games 2020 with Prof. Ruck Thawonmas as a General Co-Chair (Link
  • [June 2018] InChang Baek was selected as a travel grant awardee for IEEE CIG 2018.
  • [Feb 2018] Our lab participated in 2018 NCSOFT AI Day (Link).
  • [Oct 2017] Our MJBOT participated in the Human vs. StarCraft AI match (Results)
  • [June 2017] Cheong-Mok Bae will do a summer internship at NCSoft.
  • [June 2017] Kyung-Joong Kim organized a software demo/implementation contest (Webpage)
  • [June 2017] JiHoon Jeon received a good paper award from KCC 2017 (Link).
  • [Mar 2017] Our lab will organize a new Game Data Mining Competition with ETRI and NCSOFT at IEEE CIG 2017 (
  • [Dec 2016] Our lab members (HyunSoo Park, SeongHun Yoon, and ManJe Kim) visited ICELab at Ritsmeikan University (
  • [Aug 2016] ByungHo Yoo received student travel grant award at IEEE CIG 2016.
  • [Sep 2015 ~ Aug 2016] Prof. Kim leaves on Sabbatical at Human Computer Interaction Institute @ Carnegie Mellon University.
  • [Mar 2016] An Interview about StarCraft from Man-Je Kim was conducted by DongaScience Reporter. Watch Video Interview here
  • [Jan 2016] Cheong-mok Bae and Seonghoon Yoon received a Good Paper Award from Undergraduate Student Paper Competition @ KIISE Winter Conference.
  • [Sep 2015] Jiyuu Yi, Manje Kim, and Cheong-mok Bae were ranked as 2nd and 3rd place of IEEE CIG fighting game AI competitions Sejong Press
  • [AUG 2015] Sehar Shahzad Farooq, In-seok Oh, Man-je Kim and Prof. Kim, organize a 2015 StarCraft AI Competition at IEEE CIG 2015.
  • [August 2015] Cheong-Mok Bae was selected as a travel grant awardee for IEEE CIG 2015.
  • [July ~ August 2015] Three lab mebmers (HyunSoo Park, Du-Mim Yoon and In-Seok Oh) will have an internship at NCSoft.
  • [June 2015] Prof. Kim gave a special lecture @ NCSoft.
  • [Feb 2015] Presentation Award @ KIISE (Korean Institute of Information Scienctists and Engineers) 2014 Fall Conference (HyunTae Kim).
  • [AUG 2014] Prize and Awards in Game AI Competitions @ IEEE CIG and ECAI Results.
  • [AUG 2014] Prof. Kim is added to the editorial board of Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence JETAI .
  • [AUG 2014] Prof. Kim is appointed as a vice chair of real-time strategy games task force at games technical committee in IEEE Computational Intelligence Society RTS TF
  • [AUG 2014] Prof. Kim (with Prof. Sung-Bae Cho, Ruck Thawonmas, and Jacek Mandziuk) got approval on the The Scientific World Journal special issue on “Recent Advances in Intelligent Techniques for Games,” CFP
  • [AUG 2014] Prof. Kim (with Prof. Sung-Bae Cho) organizes a special session on “Mobile and Entertainment Computing,” at IES 2014 CFP.
  • [AUG 2014] Prof. Kim, Ho-Chul Cho and In-Seok Oh (Undergraduate Students) organize a 2014 StarCraft AI Competition at IEEE CIG 2014 CFP Sejong Press
  • [JUL 2014] Prof. Kim (with Prof. Sung-Bae Cho) organizes a special session on “Computational Intelligence and Games” at WCCI 2014 CFP
  • [OCT 2013] 2nd Place Fighting Game AI Competition Kyoung-Jun Ahn and Dong-Hyun Jang Sejong News Letter
  • [AUG 2013] 3rd Place Student Video Competition (IEEE CIG 2013) Hyun Tae Kim and Du-Mim Yoon Sejong Press
  • [AUG 2013] Finalists Angry Birds AI Competition (IJCAI 2013) Du-Mim Yoon
  • [AUG 2011] 3rd Place StarCraft AI Competition (IEEE CIG 2011) Ho-Chul Cho Sejong Press