• I.-C. Baek, S.-H. Kim, S. Earle, Z. Jiang, J.-H. Noh, J. Togelius, and K.-J. Kim, “PCGRLLM: Large Language Model-Driven Reward Design for Procedural Content Generation Reinforcement Learning,” arXiv:2502.10906 [Link]
  • S.-Y. Park, I. Han, S.-W. Oh, and K.-J. Kim, “Activation by Interval-wise Dropout: A Simple Way to Prevent Neural Networks from Plasticity Loss,” arXiv:2502.01342 [Link


  • I.-C. Baek, T.-H. Park, J.-H. Noh, C.-M. Bae, and K.-J. Kim, “ChatPCG: Large Language Model-Driven Reward Design for Procedural Content Generation“, arXiv:2406.11875 [Link]


  • I.-C. Baek, T.-H. Park, and K.-J. Kim, “Personalized In-Game Tutorial Generation Through Incorporation of Procedural Context Generator with Player Student Model,” Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=4676403
  • H.-Y. Jung, and K.-J. Kim, “Discrete Prompt Compression with Reinforcement Learning,” arXiv:2308.08758, [Link][Github
  • H.-C. Jeon, I.-C. Baek, C.-M. Bae, T.-H. Park, W.-S. You, T.G. Ha, H.Y. Jung, J.H. Noh, S.W. OH, and K.-J. Kim, “RaidEnv: Exploring new challenges in automated content balancing for boss raid games,” arXiv:2307.01676, [Link]. 
  • H.-C. Jeon, and K.-J. Kim, “Behavioral differences is the key of ad-hoc team cooperation in multiplayer games Hanabi,” arXiv:2303.06775, [Link].  



      • J.Y. Moon, E.-H. Cho, Y.B. Jo, K.-J. Kim and E.-S. Song, “Investigating the Effect of Emotional Matching between Game and Background Music on Game Experience in a Valence-Arousal Space,” IEEE Trans. on Games, Accepted.[PDF]


      • B.-H. Yoo and K.-J. Kim, “Finding Deceivers in Social Context with Large Language Models and How to Find Them: The Case of the Mafia Game,” Scientific Reports, Dec 2024 [PDF]
      • Y.-H. Choi, S.-M. Oh, J.-W. Huh, H.-T. Joo, H.-S. Lee, W.-S. You, C.-M. Bae, J.-H. Choi, and K.-J. Kim, “Deep reinforcement learning extracts the optimal sepsis treatment policy from treatment records,” Communications Medicine, vol. 4, no. 245, Nov 2024 [PDF].
      • H.-C. Jeon, I.-C. Baek, C.-M. Bae, T.-H. Park, W.-S. You, T.-G. Ha, H.-Y. Jung, J.-H. Noh, S.-W. Oh, K.-J. Kim, “RaidEnv: Exploring new challenges in automated content balancing for Boss Raid games,” IEEE Trans. on Games, vol. 16, no. 3, , pp. 646-658, Sep 2024 [PDF][Github]. 
      • H.-Y. Jung, and K.-J. Kim, “Discrete Prompt Compression with Reinforcement Learning,” IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 72578-72587, May 2024  [PDF] [Github
      • W. Kim, M.W. Seong, K.J. Kim, and S.-J. Kim, “Engagnition: A Multi-Dimensional Dataset for Engagement Recognition of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder,” Scientific Data, March 2024 [PDF]. 
      • B.-H. Yoo, and K.-J. Kim, “Improving Paragraph Segmentation Using BERT with Additional Information from Probability Density Function Modelling of Segmentation Distances,” Natural Language Processing Journal, March 2024 [PDF]. 
      • I. Han, and K.-J. Kim, “Deep Ensemble Learning of Tactics to Control the Main Force in a Real-Time Strategy Game,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, Jan 2024 [Preprint][SharedIt][Link to Journal]. 


      • I. Han, S.W. Oh, H.Y. Jung, I.S. Chung, and K.-J. Kim, “Monte Carlo and Temporal Difference Methods in Reinforcement Learning,” IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, Nov 2023 [PDF][Immersive Article@IEEE][Immersive Article@Author’s Github]. 
      • B.-H. Yoo, T.-G. Ha, T.-H. Park, I.-C. Baek, and K.-J. Kim, “Automatic building of large game maps from small concept maps using wave function collapse algorithm,” KIISE Trans. on Computing Practices, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 275-281, June 2023 [PDF]. 
      • Y.-H. Choi, D.-H. Park, S.-H. Lee, I. Han, E. Akan, H.-C. Jeon, Y. Luo, S.-J. Kim, W. Matusik, D. Rus and K.-J. Kim, “Seamless-walk: Natural and Comfortable Virtual Reality Locomotion Method with a High-resolution Tactile Sensor,” Virtual Reality, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 1431-1445, June 2023. [SharedIt][Link to Journal][Youtube]. 
      • H.-S. Lee, Y.-H. Choi, A. Eizad, W.-K. Song, K.-J. Kim, and J.-W. Yoon,”A Machine Learning-Based Initial Difficulty
        Level Adjustment Method for Balance Exercise on a Trunk Rehabilitation Robot,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 31, pp. 1857-1866, March 2023 [PDF]. 
      • H.-T. Joo, S.-H. Lee, C.-M. Bae, and K.-J. Kim, “Learning to Automatically Spectate Games for Esports Using Object Detection Mechanism,” Expert Systems with Applications, March 2023 [Preprint][PDF][Link to Journal][Code] [Youtube].


      • J.Y. Moon, Y.J. Choi, T.-H. Park, J.D. Choi, J.-H. Hong, and K.-J. Kim, “Diversifying Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment Agent by Integrating Player State Models into Monte-Carlo Tree Search,” Expert Systems with Applications, Nov 2022 [PDF][Link to Journal]
      • H.-T. Joo, I.-C. Baek, and K.-J. Kim, “A Swapping Target Q-Value Technique for Data Augmentation in Offline Reinforcement Learning,” IEEE Access, May 2022. [PDF][Github]  


      • I. Han, D.-H. Park, and K.-J. Kim, “A New Open-Source Off-road Environment for Benchmark Generalization of Autonomous Driving,” IEEE Access, Sep 2021. [PDF][Youtube][Github].
      • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Inference of Other’s Minds with Limited Information in Evolutionary Robotics,” International Journal of Social Robotics, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 661-676, July 2021 [SharedIt].
      • S. S. Farooq, I. Mehmood, M. Fiaz, A. K. Bashir, R. Nawaz, K.-J. Kim and S.-K. Jung, “Multi-Modal Data Analysis Based Game Player Experience Modeling Using LSTM-DNN,” CMC-Computers Materials & Continua, May 2021 [PDF].


      • E.-J. Lee, Y.-J. Jang, D.-M. Yoon, J.-H. Jeon, S.-I. Yang, S.-K. Lee, D.-W. Kim, P. P. Chen, A. Guitart, P. Bertens, Á. Periáñez, F. Hadiji, M. Müller, Y.-J. Joo, J.-Y. Lee, I.-C. Hwang and K.-J. Kim, “Game Data Mining Competition on Churn Prediction and Survival Analysis using Commercial Game Log Data,” IEEE Trans. on Games, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 215-226, Sep 2019 [PDF].
      • M. Certicky, D. Churchill, K.-J. Kim, M. Certicky, and R. Kelly, “StarCraft AI Competitions, Bots and Tournament Management Software,” IEEE Trans. on Games, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 227-237, Sep 2019 [PDF].
      • J.-H. Jeon, S.-I. Yang, and K.-J. Kim, “Extraction of cognitive psychological features of mobile gamers and improvement of purchases prediction performance,” Journal of KIISE, vol. 46, no. 9, pp. 892-900, 2019 [PDF].
      • M.-J. Kim, K.-J. Kim, S.-J. Kim and A. K. Dey, “Performance Evaluation Gaps in a Real-Time Strategy Game between Human and Artificial Intelligence Players,” IEEE Access, 2018 [PDF].
      • J.-H. Jeon, D.-M. Yoon, S.-I. Yang, and K.-J. Kim, “Mobile Gamer Categorization with Archetypal Analysis and Cognitive-Psychological Features from Log Data,” Journal of KIISE, 2018 [PDF].
      • D.-M. Yoon, and K.-J. Kim, “3D Game Model and Texture Generation Using Interactive Genetic Algorithm,” ACM Computers in Entertainment, vol. 14, no. 1, Spring 2017  PDF.
      • H.-C. Cho, H.-S. Park, C.-Y. Kim and K.-J. Kim, “Investigation of the effect of “Fog of war” in the prediction of StarCraft strategy using machine learning,” ACM Computers in Entertainment, vol. 14, no. 1, Spring 2017 PDF.
      • K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, “Ensemble Bayesian networks evolved with speciation for high-performance prediction in data mining,” Soft Computing, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 1065-1080, 2017 PDF.
      • I.-S. Oh, H.-C. Cho, and K.-J. Kim, “Playing Real-Time Strategy Games by Imitating Human Players’ Micromanagement Skills Based on Spatial Analysis,” Expert Systems with Applications, 2017 PDF.


      • K.-J. Kim and C.-H. Chung, “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you where you come from: A Data Science Approach for Global Recipe Data on the Web,” IEEE Access PDF.
      • S. Farooq, I.-S. Oh, M.-J. Kim, and K.-J. Kim, “StarCraft AI Competition: A Step Toward Human-Level AI for Real-Time Strategy Games,” AI Magazine, Summer, 2016 PDF.
      • H.-S. Park and K.-J. Kim, “Active Player Modeling in the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma,” Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2016 PDF.


      • M. Swiechowski, H.-S. Park, J. Mańdziuk and K.-J. Kim,“Recent Advances in General Game Playing,” The Scientific World Journal, August 2015 PDF.
      • K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, “Meta-Classifiers for High-Dimensional, Small Sample Classification for Gene Expression Analysis,” Pattern Analysis and Applications, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 553-569, August 2015 PDF.
      • D.-M. Yoon and K.-J. Kim, “Challenges and Opportunities in Game Artificial Intelligence Education using Angry Birds,” IEEE Access, June 2015 PDF.
      • J. A. Awan, D.-H. Bae, and K.-J. Kim, “Identification and trend analysis of homogeneous rainfall zones over the east asia monsoon region,” International Journal of Climatology, vol. 35, no. 7, pp. 1422-1433, June 2015 PDF.
      • K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, “Inference of Other’s Internal Neural Models from Active Observation,” BioSystems, vol. 128, pp. 37-47, Feb 2015 PDF.
      • H.-S. Park, H.-T. Kim, and K.-J. Kim, “GreedyUCB1 based Monte-Carlo Tree Search for General Video Game Playing Artificial Intelligence,” KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices, vol. 21, no. 8, pp. 572-577, Aug 2015 PDF.


      • I.-S. Oh, J.-E. Lee, and K.-J. Kim, “Proactive News Article Summarization Service using Personal Intention Models,” Evolutionary and Institutional Economic Review, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 105-120, 2014 PDF.


      • K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, “Game AI competitions: An open platform for computational intelligence education,” IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, August 2013 PDF.
      • J.-G. Park, and K.-J. Kim, “Design of a visual perception model with edge-adaptive Gabor filter and support vector machine for traffic sign detection,” Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 40, pp. 3679-3687, 2013 PDF.
      • H.-T. Kim and K.-J. Kim, “Hybrid of Rule-based Systems Using Genetic Algorithm to Improve Platform Game Performance,” Procedia Computer Science, pp. 114 – 120, 2013 PDF.
      • D.-M. Yoon, and K.-J. Kim, “Interactive Evolution of 3D Models based on Direct Manipulation for Video Games,” Procedia Computer Science, 2013. PDF
      • J.-E. Lee, H.-S. Park, K.-J. Kim and J.-C. No, “Learning to Predict the Need of Summarization on News Articles,” Procedia Computer Science, pp. 274-279, 2013. PDF
      • H.-S. Park, and K.-J. Kim, “The Automated Fault-Recovery for Four-Legged Robots using Parallel Genetic Algorithm,” Procedia Computer Science, pp. 158-166, 2013. PDF
      • H.-S. Park, and K.-J. Kim, “Recent Research Trends in Game Artificial Intelligence,” Communications of the Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, July 2013 PDF.


      • T.-S. Kim, J.-C. Na and K.-J. Kim, “Optimization of autonomous car controller using self-adaptive evolutionary strategy,” International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, DOI: 10.5772/50848, 2012 PDF.
      • K.-J. Kim, J.-H. Seo, J.-G. Park and J.-C. Na, “Generalization of TORCS car racing controllers with artificial neural networks and linear regression analysis,” Neurocomputing, vol. 88, pp. 87-99, 2012 PDF.
      • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Automated synthesis of multiple analog circuits using evolutionary computation for redundancy-based fault-tolerance,” Applied Soft Computing, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 1309-1321, 2012 PDF.
      • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “The 2011 IEEE conference on computational intelligence and games report,” IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, pp. 15-18, Feb 2012 PDF.


      • K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, “Evolutionary neural networks for practical applications,” Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, vol. 22, pp. 53-55, 2011 PDF.
      • K.-J. Kim, J.-G. Park, and S.-B. Cho, “Correlation analysis and performance evaluation of distance measures for evolutionary neural networks,” Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, vol. 22, pp. 83-92, 2011 PDF.
      • K.-H. Oh, K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, “Generating a Variety of Robot Behavior Patterns using Speciation based on Phenotype,” Journal of KIISE, 2011 PDF.
      • H.-S. Park and K.-J. Kim, “Automated synthesis of physically implementable analog circuits using evolutionary strategy and practical constraints on component values,” Journal of KIISE: Software and Applications, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 248-256, 2011 PDF.
      • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Game competition and machine learning,” Communications of the Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, Feb 2011 PDF.


      • K.-J. Kim, A. Wang, and H. Lipson, “Automated synthesis of resilient and tamper-evident analog circuits without a single point of failure,” Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 35-59, 2010 PDF.
      • Y. S. Lee, K.-S. Hwang, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “A life browser based on probabilistic and semantic networks for visualization and retrieval of everyday life,”Journal of KIISE: Computing Practices and Letters, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 289-300, 2010. PDF


      • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “An evolutionary algorithm approach to optimal ensemble classifiers for DNA microarray data analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 377-388, 2008 PDF.
      • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Evolutionary ensemble of diverse artificial neural networks using speciation,” Neurocomputing, vol. 71, pp. 1604-1618, 2008 PDF.


      • K.-J. Kim, M.-C. Jung, and S.-B. Cho, “KeyGraph-based chance discovery for mobile contents management system,” International Journal of Knowledge-based Intelligent Engineering Systems, vol. 11, pp. 313-320, 2007 PDF.
      • S.-B. Cho, K.-J. Kim, K.-S. Hwang, and I.-J. Song, “AniDiary: Summarizing user’s daily life in cartoon-style diary with Bayesian networks,” IEEE Pervasive Computing, July-September, pp. 66-75, 2007 PDF.
      • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Personalized mining of web documents using link structures and fuzzy concept networks,” Applied Soft Computing, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 398-410, Jan 2007 PDF.


      • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “A unified architecture for agent behaviors with selection of evolved neural network modules,” Applied Intelligence, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 253-268, Dec 2006 PDF.
      • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Ensemble classifiers based on correlation analysis for DNA microarray classification,” Neurocomputing, vol. 70, no. 1-3, pp. 187-199, Dec 2006 PDF.
      • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Evolved neural networks based on cellular automata for sensory-motor controller,” Neurocomputing, vol. 69, no. 16-18, pp. 2193-2207, Oct 2006 PDF.
      • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “A comprehensive overview of the applications of artificial life,” Artificial Life, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 153-182, Jan 2006 PDF.


      • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Systematically incorporating domain-specific knowledge into evolutionary speciated checkers players,” IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 615-627, Dec 2005 PDF.


      • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Prediction of colon cancer using evolutionary neural network,” Neurocomputing, vol. 61, pp. 361-379, Oct 2004 PDF.
      • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Fuzzy integration of structure adaptive SOM’s for web content mining,” Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 148, no. 1, pp. 43-60, Nov 2004 PDF.
      • J.-O. Yoo, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Construction of robust Bayesian network ensemble using speciated evolutionary algorithm,” Journal of Korea Information Science Society, vol. 31, no. 12, pp. 1569-1580, 2004. PDF
      • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Web mining using fuzzy integration of multiple structure adaptive self-organizing maps,” Journal of Korea Information Science Society, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 61-70, Jan 2004 PDF.


          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Development of user modeling technique using informal inference based on neural network,” Journal of Korea Brain Society, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 83-84, 2003. PDF


          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Dynamic selection of neural network modules based on cellular automata for complex behaviors,” Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 160-166, April 2002. PDF
          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Performance improvement of ensemble speciated neural networks using Kullback-Leibler entropy,” Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 152-159, April 2002.PDF
          • K.-J. Kim, G.-B. Song, and S.-B. Cho, “A rule-based integration of neural network modules based on cellular automata for sensory-motor controller,” Journal of Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, vol. 12, no.1, pp. 19-26, 2002. PDF


          • K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, “Development of a personalized link-based search engine using fuzzy concept network,” Journal of Korea Information Science Society: Practice of Computing, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 211-219, 2001. PDF


          • Y.-H. Choi, S.-H. Hwang, J.-Y. Moon, H.-S. Lee, D.-H. Yeo, M.-W. Seong, Y. Luo, S.-J. Kim, W. Matusik, D. Rus, and K.-J. Kim, “Adaptive Walker: User Intention and Environmentally Aware Intelligent Walker with High-resolution Tactile and IMU Sensor,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA), 2025. 


          • I. Han, S.-Y. Lee, S.-Y. Park, E. Akan, Y. Luo, and K.-J. Kim, “Smart Insole: Predicting 3D Human Pose from Foot Pressure,” NeurIPS 2024 Workshop on Touch Processing: From Data to Knowledge, 2024 [PDF].
          • J.-H. Baik, Y.-H. Choi, K.-J. Kim, and H.-S. Lee, “Development of Novel Body Center of Pressure Estimation System Based on Tactile Sensor and Deep Learning Models,” The 20th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference, 2024.
          • J.-H. Baik, S.-J. Park, Y.-H. Choi, K.-J. Kim, and H.-S. Lee, “The Measurement Algorithm of the Center of Pressure Based on the Tactile Sensor,” International Workshop on Intelligent Systems, 2024 [PDF].
          • Y.-J. Kim, H.-T. Joo, S.-Y. Park, S.-G. Lee, K.-J. Kim, “Learning a Champion Detection Model for Game State Estimation from the Minimap in League of Legends,” Korea Software Congress, 2024 [PDF].
          • D.-Y. Kim and K.-J. Kim, “ComicGen: LLM, Stable Diffusion Based Automated Comic Generation System,” Korea Software Congress, 2024 [PDF].
          • S.-H. Lee, H.-T. Joo, Y.-H. Choi, K.-J. Kim, “The Leg-Swing: A Novel Seated Locomotion Interface for Improved Virtual Reality Immersion,” IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) Poster, 2024 [PDF]. 
          • S.-J. Park, J.-H. Baik, Y.-H. Choi, K.-J. Kim, and H.-S. Lee, “Development of Gait Analysis System Based on the Tactile Sensor and the RGB Camera,” 24th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, 2024. 
          • J.-Y. Moon, Y.-J. Choi, G. N. Yannakakis, and K.-J. Kim, “Progress of PREFAB: PREference based self-Annotation on a low-Budget,” UbiComp/ISWC 2024 Workshop on AI-infused Physical Systems (I4U), 2024 [PDF]. 
          • Y.-J. Choi, J.-Y. Moon, K.-J. Kim and J.-H. Hong, “Exploring the Potential of Generative AI in Song-Signing,”  UbiComp/ISWC 2024 Workshop on AI-infused Physical Systems (I4U), 2024 [PDF]. 
          • I.-C. Baek, T.-H. Park, J.-H. Noh, C.-M. Bae, and K.-J. Kim, “ChatPCG: Large language model-driven reward design for procedural content generation,” IEEE Conference on Games, 2024 [PDF]. 
          • S.-W. Oh, I.-S. Chung, and K.-J. Kim, “LangBirds: An agent for angry birds using a large language model,” IEEE Conference on Games, 2024 [PDF]. 
          • Y.-H. Choi, D.-H. Yeo, S.-H. Hwang, M.-W. Seong, J.-Y. Moon, Y. Lyo, S.-J. KIm, W. Matusik, D. Rus, and K.-J. Kim, “Intelligent Walker: A seamless mobility assist device for the elderly,”  Workshop on Advancing Wearable Devices and Applications through Novel Design, Sensing, Actuation, and AI @ ICRA, 2024. 
          • S.-H. Lee, H.-T. Joo, I.S. Chung, D.-H. Park, Y.-H. Choi and K.-J. Kim, “A Novel Approach for Virtual Locomotion Gesture Classification: Self-Teaching Vision Transformer for a Carpet-Type Tactile Sensor,” IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces , 2024 [PDF]. 


          • S.-H. Lee, H.-T. Joo, I.S. Chung, D.-H. Park, Y.-H. Choi and K.-J. Kim, “A Novel Approach for Virtual Locomotion Gesture Classification: Self-Teaching Vision Transformer for a Carpet-Type Tactile Sensor,” IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct), 2023 [PDF]. 
          • W.-J. Chung, H.-T. Joo, S.-H. Lee, I.S. Chung, and K.-J. Kim, “Combining Stable Diffusion and Object Detection for Enhancing Small-Size Face Transformation in Video,” Korea Software Congress, 2023 [PDF][Youtube]. 
          • C.-M. Bae, and K.-J. Kim, “Procedural content generation with genetic algorithm for character abilities in games,” Korea Software Congress, 2023 [PDF].  
          • M.-S. Seo, S.-J. Shin, K.-J. Kim, and K.-H. Choi, “Reinforcement learning-based collision avoidance of a connected and automated vehicle at merging roads,” International Workshop on Intelligent Systems (IWIS), 2023 [PDF
          • E.-H. Kim, T.-H. Park, J.-Y. Moon, W.-S. You, T.-G. Ha, and K.-J. Kim, “DAncing body, Speaking Hands (DASH): Sign Dance Generation System with Deep Neural Networks,” ACM SIGGRAPH Posters, 2023 [PDF][Poster]. 
          • H.-T. Joo, S.-H. Lee, and K.-J. Kim, “Improving Korean Conversational Skills of LLaMA, a Public Large Language Model, using Human and ChatGPT Conversations,” Korea Congress on Computers, 2023 [PDF][Github][Huggingface]. 
          • I.-S. Chung, Isaac Han, and K.-J. Kim, “Imitation Learning using the Forward-Forward Algorithm,”  International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) Tiny Paper Track, 2023 [PDF]. 


          • J.-H. Noh, I.-C. Baek, S.-W. Oh, J.-Y. Moon, S.-M. Oh, K.-J. Kim, “Game Object Characteristic-based State Representation Method for Playtesting Match-3 Game,” Korea Software Congress, 2022 [PDF]. 
          • H.-S. Lee, A. Eizad, J.-Y. Lee, Y.-H. Choi, W.-K. Song, K.-J. Kim, J.-W. Yoon, “Comparing the Effects of Admittance and Error-based Control of a Trunk Rehabilitation Robot on the User’s Balance,” International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems (ICCAS), 2022 [PDF]. 
          • I.-C. Baek, T.-H. Park, T.-G. Ha, and K.-J. Kim, “Turing Test Framework for Cooperative Games,” IEEE Conference on Games, 2022 [PDF] [Github]. 
          • H.-C. Jeon, S.-M. Oh, W.-S. You, H.Y. Jung, and K.-J. Kim,Inferring Relationship using Theory of Mind in Press Diplomacy,” ICML 2022 Workshop AI for Agent-Based Modeling, 2022[PDF]. 
          • B.-H. Yoo, T.-G. Ha, T.-H. Park, I.-C. Baek, and K.-J. Kim, Automatic Building of Large Game Maps from Designer-Made Small Inputs using Wave Function Collapse Algorithm,” Korea Computer Congress, 2022[PDF]. 
          • I.-C. Baek, T.-G. Ha, T.-H. Park, and K.-J. Kim, “Toward Cooperative Level Generation in Multiplayer Game: A User Study in Overcooked,” IEEE Conference on Games, 2022[PDF] [Github]. 
          • Y.  Choi, H. Jeon, S. Lee, I. Han, Y. Luo, S.-J. Kim, W. Matusik, and K.-J. Kim, “Seamless-walk: Novel natural virtual reality locomotion method with a high-resolution tactile sensor,” IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (Poster), 2022 [PDF] [Youtube]
          • Ok, S., Seong, M., Kim, W., Jeon, H., Lee, J., Kim, K., Kim, S. “Deep Learning-Based Engagement Classification by Behavioral and Physiological Data of Children with Developmental Disability,” HCI Korea 2022 [PDF]. 


          • S. Farooq, A. Aziz, H. Mukhtar, M Fiaz, K. Y. Baek, N. Choi, S. B. Yun, K.-J. Kim and S.K. Jung, “Multi-Modality based Affective Video Summarization for Game Players,” The 27th International Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (IW-FCV), 2021 [PDF].
          • H. Park, I.-S. Han, I.-C. Baek, and K.-J. Kim, “3D Physics-based Maze Game Environment for Generalization of Deep Reinforcement Learning,” Korea Software Congress, 2021 [PDF].
          • I.-C. Baek, T.-G. Ha, and K.-J. Kim, “An Evolutionary Approach for Procedural Content Generation in Cooperative Game Overcooked,” Korea Software Congress, 2021 [PDF].
          • T.-H. Park, W.-S. Yoo, H.-C. Jeon, and K.-J. Kim, “Generating diverse emotional haptic patterns for music using monte carlo tree search,” Korea Software Congress, 2021 [PDF].


          • S. Farooq, M. Fiaz, K.J. Kim, and S.K. Jung, “Experience modeling for candy crush game player using physiological data by means of homogenous transfer learning,” The International Workshop on Intelligent Systems, 2020 [PDF].
          • H.-T. Joo, and K.-J. Kim, “Determining the Possibility of Transfer Learning in Deep Reinforcement Learning using GRAD-CAM,” The Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20) (Student Abstract), 2020 [PDF].
          • C.M.Bae, H.-T. Joo and K.-J. Kim, “Visual analysis of feature-based decision-making model with deep reinforcement learning,” KSC 2020 [PDF].
          • J.Y. Moon, H.-C. Jeon, and K.-J. Kim, “Embedded reinforcement learning for offroad self-driving,” Korea Software Congress,  2020 [PDF].
          • S.-H. Lee, and K.-J. Kim, “Training self-driving vehicles using offline reinforcement learning with real driving data,” Korea Software Congress, 2020 [PDF].


          • I.-C. Baek, and K.-J. Kim, “Efficient Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Many Agents,” The 15th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE’19) Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Strategy Games, 2019 [PDF].
          • H.-T. Joo, and K.-J. Kim, “Visualization of Deep Reinforcement Learning using Grad-CAM:  How AI Plays Atari Games?,” IEEE Conference on Games, 2019 [PDF], [Youtube].
          • T.-H. Park, E.-J. Jeong, and K.-J. Kim, “Baba is Gym: A New Challenge for Game Reasoning and Understanding,” Korea Software Congress, Winter 2019 [PDF].
          • C.-M. Bae, and K.-J. Kim, “Churn Prediction for Mobile Game Players using Model Transfer of Tree-based Classifiers,” Korea Software Congress, Winter 2019 [PDF].
          • D.-H. Park, and K.-J. Kim, “Hierarchical Imitation Learning for Driving Off Road in Simulated Environment,” Korea Software Congress, Winter 2019 [PDF].
          • E.-J. Jeong, and K.-J. Kim, “Behavior Cloning of StarCraft II Mini Games using CNN Architecture,” Korea Software Congress, Winter 2019 [PDF].
          • W.-I. Shim, T.-H. Park, and K.-J. Kim, “Multi-Modal Deep Learning for Autonomous Driving in Urban Environment,” Korea Software Congress, Winter 2019 [PDF].
          • D.-H. Park, H.-T. Joo, and K.-J. Kim, “Simulation based Autonomous Driving Car Learning using Imitation and Hierarchical Architecture,” Korea Congress on Computer, 2019 [PDF].
          • S.-H. Yoon, and K.-J. Kim, “Multi-agents Reinforcement Learning of DGN using Abstraction of Adjacency Matrix for StarCraft,” Korea Congress on Computer, 2019 [PDF].


          • I.-C. Baek and K.-J. Kim, “Web-based Interface for Data Labeling in StarCraft,” IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2018 PDF.
          • J.-Y. Noh, J.-H. Jeon, C.-M. Bae, and K.-J. Kim, “Generalized Feature Extraction Method Based on Various Mobile Game Logs for Predicting Gamer Behavior,” Korea Software Congress, 2018 PDF.
          • W.-I. Shim, and K.-J. Kim, “Multitask Reinforcement Learning for Starcraft II Mini Games,” Korea Software Congress, 2018 PDF.
          • H.-T. Joo, H.-C. Park, and K.-J. Kim, “Discretization of Continuous Action Space of Reinforcement Algorithm for Safe Autonomous Vehicle Driving,” Korea Software Congress, 2018 PDF.
          • W.-I. Shim, T.-H. Park, and K.-J. Kim, “Comparison of Policy Optimization Reinforcement Learning for Simulated Autonomous Car Environment,” Korea Software Congress, 2018 PDF.
          • S.-H. Yoon, S.-J. Lee, and K.-J. Kim, “League of Legends Game Video Highlight Extraction using Autoencoder,” Korea Software Congress, 2018 PDF.
          • B.-J. Min, and K.-J. Kim, “Memory-based Imitation learning using Human-play data,” Korea Software Congress, 2018 PDF.
          • S.-H. Lee, and K.-J. Kim, “Imitation Learning of ‘Space Invaders’ using Human Play Data,” Korea Software Congress, 2018 PDF.
          • T.-H. Park, and K.-J. Kim, “Improvement of Deep Reinforcement Learning for Pac-Man using Virtual Rewards based on Life Score,” Korea Congress on Computer, 2018 PDF.


          • K. Mori, S. Ito, T. Harada, R. Thawonmas and K.-J. Kim, “Feature Extraction of Gameplays for Similarity Calculation in Gameplay Recommendation,” IEEE 10th International Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Applications, 2017 PDF.
          • J.-H. Jeon, D.-M. Yoon, S.-I. Yang and K.-J. Kim, “Extracting Gamers’Cognitive Psychological Features and Improving Performance of Churn Prediction from Mobile Games,” IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2017 PDF.
          • S.-H. Yoon and K.-J. Kim, “Deep Q Networks for Visual Fighting Game AI,” IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2017 PDF.
          • M.-J. Kim and K.-J. Kim, “Opponent Modeling based on Action Table for MCTS-based Fighting Game AI,” IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2017 PDF.
          • B.-J. Min and K.-J. Kim, “Learning to Play Visual Doom using Model-Free Episodic Control,” IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2017 PDF.
          • J.-H. Park, S.-J. Yoo, K.-J. Kim, Y.-H. Gu, K.-H. Lee, and U.-H. Son, “PM10 Density Forecast Model Using Long Short Term Memory,” Ninth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks, 2017 PDF.
          • J.-H. Jeon, D.-M. Yoon, S.-I. Yang, and K.-J. Kim, “ Mobile Gamer Categorization with Archetypal Analysis and Cognitive-Psychological Features from Log Data,” Korea Congress on Computer 2017 PDF.


          • B.-H. Yoo, and K.-J. Kim, “Changing video game graphic styles using neural algorithms,” IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2016 PDF.
          • H.-S. Park, and K.-J. Kim, “Deep Q-learning using redundant outputs in Visual Doom,” IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2016 PDF.
          • M.-J. Kim, K.-J. Kim, S.-J. Kim, and A. K. Dey, “Evaluation of StarCraft Artificial Intelligence Competition Bots by Experienced Human Players,” ACM CHI (Late-Breaking Work), 2016 PDF.
          • J.-H. Jeon, and H.-S. Park, “Churn prediction using game log data in mobile game,” KIISE Winter, 2016 PDF.


          • S. S. Farooq, J.-W. Baek, and K.-J. Kim, “Interpreting Behaviors of Mobile Game Players from In-Game Data and Context Logs,” IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2015 (pp.548-549) PDF.
          • I.-S. Oh and K.-J. Kim, “Testing Reliability of Replay-based Imitation for StarCraft,” IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2015. (pp.548-549) PDF
          • D.-M. Yoon, J.-S. Lee, H.-S. Seon, J.-H. Kim, and K.-J. Kim, “Optimization of Angry Birds AI Controllers with Distributed Computing,” IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2015. (pp.544-545) PDF
          • H.-S. Park, and K.-J. Kim, “MCTS with Influence Map for General Video Game Playing,” IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2015.(pp.534-535) PDF
          • C.-M. Bae, E.-K. Kim, J.-C. Lee, K.-J. Kim and J.-C. Na, “Generation of an Arbitrary Shaped Large Maze by Assembling Mazes,” IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2015. (pp.538-539) PDF
          • C.-M. Bae, S.-H. Yoon and K.-J. Kim, “Improvement of Fighting Game Artificial Intelligence using Extended Classifier System,” KIISE Winter Conference, 2015 PDF.


          • S. S. Farooq, H.-S. Park, and K.-J. Kim, “Inference of Opponent’s Uncertain States in Ghost Game using Machine Learning,” The 18th Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, 2014 (pp. 335-346) PDF.
          • H.-S. Park, and K.-J. Kim, “Social Network Analysis of High-Level Players in Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Game,” The First Exploration on Games and Gamers Workshop @ SocInfo 2014 PDF.
          • H.-T. Kim, D.-M. Yoon and K.-J. Kim, “Solving Geometry Friends using Monte-Carlo Tree Search with Directed Graph Representation,” IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2014 PDF.
          • I.-S. Oh, H.-C. Cho and K.-J. Kim, “Imitation Learning for Combat System in RTS Games with Application to StarCraft,” IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2014 PDF.
          • H.-S. Park and K.-J. Kim, “Learning to Play Fighting Game using Massive Play Data,” IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2014 PDF.
          • H.-T. Kim, and K.-J. Kim, “Learning to Recommend Game Contents for Real-Time Strategy Gamers,” IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2014 PDF.
          • H.-T. Kim, D.-Y. Kim, and K.-J. Kim, “General artificial intelligence for video games using game analysis and monte-carlo tree search,” KIISE Winter Conference, 2014 PDF.
          • S. S. Farooq, and K.-J. Kim, “Educational Use of “Game AI Competition Portal” for Advanced Programming Courses,” KIISE Spring Conference, 2014.PDF
          • K.-J. Ahn, D.-H. Jang, and K.-J. Kim, “Development of Artificial Intelligence for Angry Birds Using Region Segmentation and Object Density Calculation,” Human Computer Interaction Korea, 2014 PDF.


          • S.-S. Farooq, and K.-J. Kim, “Evolution of Neural Controllers for Simulated and Real Quadruped Robots,” The Second International Conference on Robot, Vision and Signal Processing, pp. 295-298, 2013. PDF
          • H.-C. Cho, and K.-J. Kim, “Comparison of human and AI bots in StarCraft with replay data mining,” IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Games, 2013 PDF.
          • H.-C. Cho, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Replay-based strategy prediction and build order adaptation for StarCraft AI bots,” IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Games, 2013 PDF.
          • H.-S. Park, and K.-J. Kim, “Opponents modeling with incremental active learning: A case study of iterative prisoner’s dilemma,” IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Games, 2013 PDF.
          • K.-J. Kim, K.-Y. Eo, Y.-R. Jung, S.-O. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, “Evolutionary conditions for the emergence of robotic theory of mind with multiple goals,” IEEE Workshop on Robotic Intelligence in Informationally Structured Space (RiiSS), pp. 48-54, 2013 PDF.
          • H.-T. Kim, and K.-J. Kim, “Post Processing Algorithm Proposal of Platform Game Artificial Intelligence for A* Path Planning Application,” KIISE Fall Conference, pp. 643 – 645, 2013 PDF.
          • D.-M. Yoon, and K.-J. Kim, “Automatic Fabrication of Physical Objects for Board Games using Interactive Evolutionary Computation and 3D Printer”, KIISE Fall Conference, 2013 PDF
          • H.-S. Park and K.-J. Kim, “Active Data Collection and Opponent Player Modeling using Estimation-Exploration Algorithm and Evolutionary Neural Network,” KIISE Fall Conference, 2013PDF
          • H.-S. Jang, S.-J. Yoo, D.-I. Han and K.-J. Kim, “Comparative study of feature vectors and classification methods for sentiment analysis for online review of korean restaurant in U.S.A.,” IEEK Summer Conference, 2013PDF.
          • H.-S. Park, D.-M. Yoon, H.-C. Cho, and K.-J. Kim, “Applications of machine learning for games: Case studies,” IEEK Summer Conference, 2013PDF.
          • S.-S. Farooq, and K.-J. Kim, “The systematic analysis of evolved neural controllers for quadruped robots,” Korea Congress on Computer, 2013PDF.
          • H.-T. Kim, and K.-J. Kim, “Development of artificial intelligence for geometry friends using A* path planning and rule-based systems,” Korea Congress on Computer, pp. 1532 – 1534, 2013 PDF.
          • H.-S. Park and K.-J. Kim, “Opponent’s player’s decision modeling in iterated prisoner’s dilemma using reverse engineering technique,” Korea Congress on Computer, 2013 PDF.


          • D.-M. Yoon, and K.-J. Kim, “3D game model and texture generation using interactive genetic algorithm,” Workshop at SIGGRAPH ASIA (Computer Gaming Track), pp. 53-58, 2012 PDF.
          • H.-S. Park, H.-C. Cho, K.-Y. Lee, and K.-J. Kim, “Prediction of early stage opponent strategy for StarCraft AI using scouting and machine learning,” Workshop at SIGGRAPH ASIA (Computer Gaming Track), pp. 7-12, 2012 PDF.
          • H.-S. Park and K.-J. Kim, “Automatic python programming using stack-based genetic programming,” Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), pp. 641-642, 2012. PDF
          • D.-M. Yoon and K.-J. Kim, “Comparison of scoring methods for interactive evolutionary computation based image retouching system,” Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), pp. 617-618, 2012. PDF
          • H.-S. Park and K.-J. Kim, “Evolving a neural controller for fault-tolerant four-legged robots using parallel genetic algorithm,” International Conference on Advanced Information Technology and Sensor Application, p. 129, 2012 PDF.
          • J.-G. Park and K.-J. Kim, “A method for feature extraction of traffic sign detection and the system for real world scene,” IEEE International Conference on Emerging Signal Processing Applications, pp. 13-16, 2012 PDF.
          • H.-C. Cho, and K.-J. Kim, “Design and evaluation of intelligence architecture for RTS games: Case Study of StarCraft,” Fall Conference of Korea Culture & Contents Technology Association, 2012. PDF
          • H.-J. Cha, and K.-J. Kim, “Building a WIKI-style portal site to popularize game AI competitions,” Fall Conference of Korea Culture & Contents Technology Association, 2012.
          • H.-S. Park, A.-R. Park and K.-J. Kim, “Fault-tolerant analog circuit design using average and worst case analysis evolutionary strategy,” Korea Congress on Computer 2012. PDF
          • D.-M. Yoon, and K.-J. Kim, “Web-based Game Content Generation Method using L-system and Interactive Genetic Algorithm,” Korea Congress on Computer 2012.PDF
          • S.S.Farooq, H.M.W.Khalil and A.Arif,“Cost effective design of Autonomous Chess Playing Robot for AI research platform,” Korea Congress on Computer 2012. PDF
          • H.-S. Park, and K.-J. Kim, “Python bytecode evolution using stack-based genetic programming for regression problems,” Symposium on Brain and Artificial Intelligence, 2012 (Abstract). PDF
          • D.-M. Yoon, and K.-J. Kim, “Comparison of scoring input methods for IGA-based image retouching system,” Symposium on Brain and Artificial Intelligence, 2012 (Abstract). PDF
          • K.-J. Kim, “Building a 3D printer for in-situ fault-tolerant robots,” Human Computer Interaction Korea, 2012. PDF


          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Server-Side early detection of StarCraft players with non-standard strategic behavior,” The 3rd International Conference on Internet (ICONI 2011), pp. 489-494, 2011 PDF
          • H.-S. Park, and K.-J. Kim, “Genetic Programming using Bytecode-Level Evolution for Python Programming Language,” KIISE Fall Conference, 2011 PDF.
          • D.-M. Yoon, K.-J. Kim, “Dimensionality reduction of speeded up robust features using neural networks for object recognition in mobile environments,” Korea Congress on Computer, 2011 PDF.
          • J.-G. Park, and K.-J. Kim, “Real-time traffic sign detection using K-means clustering and neural network,” Korea Congress on Computer, 2011.PDF
          • K.-O. Yoon, and K.-J. Kim, “Design of 3D car racing controller using real-time track modeling and high-level sensors,” Korea Congress on Computer, 2011.PDF
          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Automated evaluation and prediction of StarCraft strategy using data mining techniques,” Proc. of Korea Business Intelligence Data Mining Conference, 2011.PDF
          • J.-G. Park, and K.-J. Kim, “Performance evaluation of self-adaptive evolutionary strategy for evolutionary robotics,” Human Computer Interaction Korea,  2011. PDF
          • D.-M. Yoon, and K.-J. Kim, “Prediction of rating score from short comments on movies using word-rating correlation analysis,” Human Computer Interaction Korea,  2011. PDF
          • H.-S. Park, and K.-J. Kim, “Research on scalability of evolutionary analog circuits: Band-pass filter case study,” Human Computer Interaction Korea, 2011. PDF


          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Exploring features and classifiers to classify microRNA expression profiles of human cancer,” International Conference on Neural Information Processing, pp. 234-241, 2010 PDF
          • T. W. Cornforth, K.-J. Kim, and H. Lipson, “Evolution of analog circuit models of ion channels,” International Conference on Evolvable Systems, pp. 157-168, 2010. PDF
          • J.-G. Park, and K.-J. Kim, “Dimension reduction by principal component analysis for evolutionary and back-propagation neural networks,” International Conference on Convergence & Hybrid Information Technology, pp. 191-194, 2010PDF.
          • K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, “Experience on running a small-size simulated car racing tournament in an introductory programming course,” International Conference on Convergence & Hybrid Information Technology, pp. 200-206, 2010. PDF
          • J.-H. Seo, J.-G. Park, J.-H. Lee, and K.-J. Kim, “Designing robust robotic car controllers based on artificial neural network,” International Conference on Convergence & Hybrid Information Technology, pp. 183-190, 2010. PDF
          • K.-H. Oh, K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, “Generating a variety of robot controllers by using speciation based on behavior,” KIISE Fall Conference, vol. 37, no. 2(A), pp. 62-63, 2010. PDF
          • S.-H. Lee, K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, “Observation on leadership in evolving robot colony,” KIISE Fall Conference, vol. 37, no. 2(A), pp. 64-65, 2010. PDF
          • K.-J. Kim, “Unmanned ground vehicle programming with TORCS-based car simulator,” The 6th National Defense Information and Control Technology Conference, pp. 147-149, 2010.
          • K.-J. Kim, “Automated design of fault-tolerant robots using evolutionary computation,” The 6th National Defense Information and Control Technology Conference, pp. 150-152, 2010. PDF
          • D.-M. Yoon, H.-Y. Do, K.-J. Kim, “Menu-based clustering for restaurant recommendation websites using sequential informtion bottleneck,” Korea Congress on Computer, vol. 37, no. 1(C), pp. 423-428, 2010. PDF
          • J.-G. Park, K.-J. Kim, “Feature extraction for off-line handwritten character recognition using SIFT descriptor,” Korea Congress on Computer, vol. 37, no. 1(C), pp. 496-500, 2010. PDF
          • H.-S. Park, and K.-J. Kim, “Systematic evaluation of island based real-valued genetic algorithm with graphics processing unit,” Korea Congress on Computer, vol. 37, no. 1(C), pp. 328-333, 2010. PDF


          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Evaluation of distance measures for speciated evolutionary neural networks in pattern classification problems,” International Conference on Neural Information Processing, pp. 630-637, 2009. PDF
          • K.-J. Kim and H. Lipson, “Towards a simple robotic theory of mind,” Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems Workshop, pp. 131-138, 2009.PDF
          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Combining multiple evolved analog circuits for robust evolvable hardware,” International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, pp. 359-367, 2009. PDF
          • K.-J. Kim and H. Lipson, ““Thoery of Mind” in simulated robots,” Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) – Late Braking Papers, pp. 2071-2076, 2009. PDF


          • K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, “Ensemble approaches in evolutionary game strategies: A case study in Othello,” IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Games, pp. 212-219, 2008. PDF


          • K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, “Integrated model for informal inference based on neural networks,” International Conference on Neural Information Processing, pp. 950-959, 2007. PDF
          • K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, “Diverse evolutionary neural networks based on information theory,” International Conference on Neural Information Processing, pp. 1007-1016, 2007. PDF
          • K.-J. Kim, M.-C. Jung and S.-B. Cho, “Episodic memory for ubiquitous multimedia contents management system,” The 20th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, pp. 796-805, 2007. PDF
          • S.-B. Cho, K.-J. Kim and K.-S. Hwang, “Generating cartoon-style summary of daily life with multimedia mobile devices,” The 20th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, pp. 135-144, 2007. PDF
          • K.-J. Kim, H.-J. Choi, and S.-B. Cho, “Hybrid of evolution and reinforcement learning for Othello players,” IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games, pp. 203-209, 2007.PDF
          • Y.-S. Lee, K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, “Life log story generation in mobile using user context and petri net,” Proceedings of the Korea Computer Congress, vol. 34, no. 1(A), pp. 97-98, 2007.PDF


          • K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, “Ensemble evolution of checkers players with knowledge of opening, middle and endgame,” 9th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 4099, pp. 950-954, 2006. PDF
          • B.-Y. Choi, K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, “The embodiment of autonomic computing in the middleware for distributed system with Bayesian networks,” International Conference on Intelligent Computing, vol. 4113, pp. 1047-1052, 2006.PDF
          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Evolutionary aggregation and refinement of Bayesian networks,” IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2006, pp. 1513-1520, 2006. PDF
          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Evolutionary Othello players boosted by opening knowledge,” IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2006, pp. 984-991, 2006.PDF
          • Y.-S. Lee, K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, “Summarizing user’s daily life with conceptNet and KeyGraph,” Proceedings of 33rd KISS Fall Conference, vol. 33, no. 2(B), pp. 244-249, 2006.PDF
          • K.-J. Kim, Y.-S. Lee, K.-S. Hwang, J.-H. Hong, and S.-B. Cho, “Development of mobile life browser based on concept network,” Proceedings of 33rd KISS Fall Conference, vol. 33, no. 2(B), pp. 71-76, 2006.PDF
          • S.-S. Lee, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Behavior prediction of adaptive middleware based on Bayesian networks using probing algorithm,” Proceedings of Korea Computer Congress, vol. 33, no. 1(A), pp. 211-213, 2006.PDF
          • B.-Y. Choi, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “A diagnosis engine using Bayesian network for self-management of adaptive middleware,” Proceedings of Korea Computer Congress, vol. 33, no. 1(A), pp. 220-222, 2006.PDF
          • K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, “Optimization of Bayesian networks aggregation using genetic algorithm,” Proceedings of Korea Computer Congress, vol. 33, no. 1(B), pp. 121-123, 2006 PDF.


          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Applications of diverse evolutionary neural networks based on information theory,” Industrial Mathematics Initiative, 2005. PDF
          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Construction of Bayesian networks for context-aware service robot,” The 2nd International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence, pp. 69, 2005.
          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “DNA Gene expression classification with ensemble classifiers optimized by speciated genetic algorithm,” First International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PReMI’05), pp. 649-653, 2005.PDF
          • K.-J. Kim, S.-H. Yoo and S.-B. Cho, “Bayesian validation of fuzzy clustering for analysis of Yeast Cell Cycle data,” 9th International Conference on Knowledge-based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, pp. 777-784, Melbourne, Australia, 2005. PDF
          • K.-J. Kim, J.-O. Yoo, and S.-B. Cho, “Robust inference of Bayesian networks using speciated evolution and ensemble,” 15th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, pp. 92-101, Saratoga Springs, USA, 2005. PDF
          • K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, “Speciated evolutionary checkers player using game knowledge,” Proceedings of the 32nd KISS Fall Conference, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 754-756, 2005. PDF
          • B.-Y. Choi, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Inference of system resource states using Bayesian network for self-optimizing and self-healing component-based middleware,” Proceedings of the 32nd KISS Fall Conference, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 829-831, 2005. PDF
          • S.-S. Lee, K.-J. Kim, S.-B. Cho and H.-Y. Youn, “Adaptive behavior prediction based on Bayesian networks for adaptive middleware,” Proceedings of Korea Computer Congress, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 748-750, 2005 PDF.
          • K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, “Refinement of Bayesian networks using minimum description length and evolutionary algorithm,” Proceedings of Korea Computer Congress, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 628-630, 2005. PDF


          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Informal inference based on the integration of multiple neural networks,” Sixth China-India-Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Neurobiology and Neuroinformatics, India, 2004.
          • S.-J. Han, K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, “Evolutionary learning program’s behavior in neural networks for anomaly detection,” International Conference on Neural Information Processing, pp. 236-241, India, 2004. PDF
          • J.-O. Yoo, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Intelligent learning and prediction of user’s location for ubiquitous computing,” Proceedings of Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society Fall Conference, pp. 139-148, 2004. PDF
          • J.-O. Yoo, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Speciated evolution of Bayesian networks ensembles for robust inference,” Proceedings of the 31th KISS Fall Conference (1), pp. 226-228, 2004 PDF.
          • J.-O. Yoo, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Bayesian inference with fuzzy variables for customized high level context extraction,” Proceedings of the 31th KISS Fall Conference (1), pp. 115-117, 2004. PDF
          • M.-C. Jung, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Web services composition based on behavior network for automatic construction of complex services,” Proceedings of the 31th KISS Spring Conference (B), pp. 580-582, 2004 PDF.
          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Classifying colon cancer by integrating diverse speciated evolutionary neural networks,” Proceedings of the 31th KISS Spring Conference (B), pp. 583-585, 2004. PDF


          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Evolving artificial neural networks for DNA microarray analysis,” Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pp. 2370-2377, 2003. PDF
          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “BN+BN: Behavior network with Bayesian network for intelligent agent,” The 16th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 979-991, 2003. PDF
          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Behavior selection architecture for tangible agent,” IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, pp. 175-180, 2003. PDF
          • H.-J. Min, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Generating optimal behaviors of mobile robot using behavior network with planning capability,” IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, pp. 186-191, 2003. PDF
          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Fusion of structure adaptive self-organizing maps using fuzzy integral,” International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, pp. 28-33, 2003. PDF
          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Analysis of DNA microarray data using evolutionary neural networks,” Proceedings of the 30th KISS Fall Conference (2), pp. 733-735, 2003. PDF
          • H.-J. Min, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Planning capability of action selection network for generating optimal behaviors of agent,” Proceedings of the 30th KISS Spring Conference (B), pp. 473-475, 2003 PDF.
          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Web documents classification with fuzzy integration of multiple structure-adaptive self-organizing maps,” Proceedings of the 30th KISS Spring Conference (B), pp. 371-373, 2003 PDF.


          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Checkers strategy evolution with speciated neural networks,” PRICAI 2002, pp. 599, 2002. PDF
          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Evolving speciated checker players with crowding algorithm,” Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pp. 407-412, Hawaii, USA, May 2002. PDF
          • S.-H. Yoo, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Classification of web data using SASOM+DT for Web usage mining,” Proceedings of the 29th KISS Fall Conference (2), pp. 346-348, 2002. PDF
          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Goal inference of behavior-based agent using Bayesian network,” Proceedings of 29th KISS Fall Conference (2), pp. 349-351, 2002 PDF.
          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Generation of diverse evolutionary checkers players using speciation algorithm,” Proceedings of the 29th KISS Spring Conference (B), pp. 226-228, 2002 PDF.


          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Conceptual information extration with link-based search,” Web Intelligence 2001, pp. 367-372, Maebashi, Japan, Oct, 2001. PDF
          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Dynamic selection of evolved neural controllers for higher behaviors of mobile robot,” IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics Automation 2001, pp. 467-472, banff, Canada, 2001. PDF
          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “A personalized web search engine using fuzzy concept network with link structure,” Joint 9th IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS International Conference , vol. 1, pp. 81-86, Vancouver, Canada, 2001. PDF
          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Coordination of multiple behavior modules evolved on CAM-Brain,” Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2001, vol. 2, pp. 1414-1421, seoul, korea, 2001. PDF
          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Robot action selection for higher behaviors with CAM-Brain modules,” International Symposium on Robotics 2001, pp. 1623-1628, seoul, korea, 2001. PDF
          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “A comparison of behavior network and rule-based integration method for higher-level behavior implementation,” Proceedings of the KIPS Fall Conference, 2001.
          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Behavior generation mechanism using multiple CAM-Brain modules,” Proceedings of the Korea Cognitive Science Society Spring Conference, pp. 63-66, 2001. PDF
          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Personalization of link-based search engine by fuzzy concept network,” Proceedings of the 28th KISS Spring Conference (B), pp. 316-318, 2001 PDF.


          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Integration of multiple neural networks evolved on cellular automata by action selection mechanism,” 7th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Vol.2, pp. 687-692, November, Taejon, Korea, 2000. PDF
          • Y.-G. Seo, K.-J. Kim, Y.-G. Jung, and S.-B. Cho, “A software agent to analyze the structure of web site,” Proceedings of the 27th KISS Fall Conference (II), pp. 21-23, 2000. PDF
          • K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, “Action selection mechanism for combining of CAM-Brain modules,” Proceedings of the 27th KISS Fall Conference (II), pp. 137-139, 2000. PDF 


            • Y.-H. Choi, E.-H. Kim, J.-H. Noh,  K.-J. Kim, “Motion Feedback Method and System using Normalized Data,” April 2024 (U.S. Patent Pending). 
            • S.-J. Kim, J.-S. Oh, K.-J. Kim, G.-B. Kim, S.-J. Kim, E.-S. Ahn, “Game scene creation program based on emotional information stored in recording media,” Dec 2023 (PCT) 
            • H.-T. Joo, S.-H. Lee, C.-M. Bae, K.-J. Kim, “Learning system and method for automatic observing service,” Nov 2023 (U.S. Patent Pending). 
            • Y.-H. Choi, K.-J. Kim,  Ecehan A., D.-H. Park, S.-H. Lee, H.-C. Jeon, I. Han, “Method and device for estimating locomotion in virtual reality,” Aug 2023 (U.S. Patent Pending).  
            • Y.-H. Choi, E.-H. Kim, J.-H. Noh,  K.-J. Kim, “Motion Feedback Method and System using Normalized Data,” May 2023 (Pending). 
            • H.-T. Joo, S.-H. Lee, C.-M. Bae, K.-J. Kim, “Learning system and method for automatic observing service,” Dec 2022 (Pending). 
            • Y.-H. Choi, K.-J. Kim,  Ecehan A., D.-H. Park, S.-H. Lee, H.-C. Jeon, I. Han, “Method and device for estimating locomotion in virtual reality,” Aug 2022 (Pending).  


            • K.-J. Kim, J. -Y. Moon, T.-H. Park, Y.-J. Choi, J.-D. Choi, and J.-H. Hong, “Apparatus and method for adjusting game difficulty based on user satisfaction,” Nov 2024 (Registered).    


            • K.-H. Kim, K.-J. Kim, D.-H. Park, T.-H. Park, I.-C. Baek, and W. S. You, “Apparatus and method for transforming style of sketch image,”  Sep 2023 (Registered).  


            • J.-H. Jeon, D.-M. Yoon, S.-M. Choi, and K.-J. Kim, “Apparatus and method for generating procedural content,” April 2019 (Registered).


            • B.-J. Min, S.-M. Choi, and K.-J. Kim, “Apparatus and method for controlling personalized and automatic play of game,” Nov 2018 (Registered).


            • J.-C. Na, K.-J. Kim, E.-K. Kim, C.-M. Bae, and J.-C. Lee, “Method for generating mazes, and device implementing this method,” Oct 2016 (Registered).
            • D.-M. Yoon, and K.-J. Kim, “Method and Apparatus for identifying eyeball position, Method and Apparatus for tracking eyeball position,” July 2016 (Registered)
            • H.-T. Kim, and K.-J. Kim, “Recommendation system and method for video interesting section,” April 2016 (Registered).
            • H.-C. Cho, I.-S. Oh and K.-J. Kim, “System and method for generating artificial intelligence of game character based on imitation of game play data,” March 2016 (Registered).


            • H.-T. Kim and K.-J. Kim, “Device and method for extracting video using realization of facial expression,” Nov 2015 (Registered).
            • D.-M. Yoon, and K.-J. Kim, “Device and method for recording dramatic video based on user’s emotion,” June 2015 (Registered).


            • D.-M. Yoon, and K.-J. Kim, “Joint robot arm based on a spherical coordinate and control method of the same,” Nov 2014 (Registered).
            • D.-M. Yoon, and K.-J. Kim, “Method for detecting sensor trouble of mobile device,” Jan 2014 (Registered).